Implementation of different telecommunication systems based on wireless optical technologies requires careful awareness of the link conditions in order to predict the performance of each system and its expectations. Wireless optical communication channels, like telecommunication channels, have a fading phenomenon, which is called optical turbulence. A particular class of adaptive networks has the ability to move nodes and can move and converge to moving or static targets. The applications of these networks include dynamic and regional observation and pursuit of underwater military objects. The best type of communication technologies proposed for such networks is Visible Light Communication, or VLC, through which sensors, like the fish schools, with the optical communication between each other, move toward the targets. Investigating the impact of channel conditions and optical noise on these networks are other innovations of this research. In this paper, we model the behavior of a fish school in underwater VLC conditions using a mobile diffusion network. Our simulation results show the effects of water properties on the convergence of the mobile network nodes to a certain target. It is shown that as the water temperature, salinity level and the distance between the nodes increase, the convergence error rises and the nodes become departed from the target position.

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To access simulation data please contact: e.mostafapour@urmia.ac.ir.
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Abdavinejad, H., Mostafapour, E., Ghobadi, C. et al. VLC Turbulence Effects on the Performance of the Fish School Behavior Modeling Mobile Diffusion Adaptive Networks in Underwater Environments. Wireless Pers Commun 124, 1661–1676 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11277-021-09425-9
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11277-021-09425-9