With the increasing popularity of Internet, more and more developers are collaborating together for software development. During the collaboration, a lot of information related to software development, including communication and coordination information of developers, can be recorded in software repositories. The information can be employed to construct Developer Social Networks (DSNs) for facilitating tasks in software engineering. In this paper, we survey recent advances of DSNs and examine three fundamental steps of DSNs, namely construction, analysis, and applications. We summarize the state-of-the-art methods in the three steps and investigate the relationships among them. Furthermore, we discuss the main issues and point out the future opportunities in the study of DSNs.
随着互联网的迅速普及, 越来越多的开发者以共同协作的方式完成软件开发. 在此过程中, 与开发者交流协作相关的大量软件开发信息被记录和存储于软件资源库中. 这些信息可以用于构建开发者社交网络(DSNs), 进而协助完成软件工程任务. 本文总结了近年来关于开发者社交网络的研究进展, 重点分析了开发者社交网络的三个基本步骤: 构建、 分析及应用, 讨论了开发者社交网络研究的主要问题并指出了未来方向.
本文首次对开发者社交网络研究进行系统总结, 从构建、 分析和应用三个步骤分析研究现状和未来研究方向.
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Zhang, W., Nie, L., Jiang, H. et al. Developer social networks in software engineering: construction, analysis, and applications. Sci. China Inf. Sci. 57, 1–23 (2014). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11432-014-5221-6
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11432-014-5221-6
- developer social networks
- social network analysis
- software maintenance
- communication and coordination
- prediction and recommendation