An amorphous silicon (a-Si) electronic portal imaging device (EPID) was implemented to perform transit in vivo dosimetry for dynamic conformal arc therapy (DCAT). A set of images was acquired for each arc irradiation using the EPID cine acquisition mode, that supplies a frame acquisition rate of one image every 1.66 s, with a monitor unit rate equal to 100 UM/min. In these conditions good signal stability, ±1% (2SD) evaluated during 3 months, signal reproducibility within ±0.8% (2SD) and linearity with dose and dose rate within ±1% (2SD) were obtained. The transit signal, S t, due to the transmitted radiotherapy beam below a solid phantom, measured by the EPID cine acquisition mode was used to determine, (1) a set of correlation functions, F(w, L), defined as the ratio between S t and the dose at half thickness, D m, measured in solid water phantoms of different thicknesses, w and with square fields of side L, (2) a set of factors, f(d, L), that take into account the different x-ray scatter contribution from the phantom to the S t signal as a function of the variation, d, of the air gap between the phantom and the EPID. The reconstruction of the isocenter dose, D iso, for DCAT was obtained convolving the transit signal values, obtained at different gantry angles, with the respective reconstruction factors determined by a house-made software. The method was applied to a first patient and the results show that the reconstructed D iso values can be obtained with an accuracy within ±5%. In conclusion, it was assessed that an a-Si EPID with the cine acquisition mode is suitable to perform transit in vivo dosimetry for the DCAT therapy.

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This work was financially supported by the B-MIUR Project no. 4210011 “Sviluppo di nuovi approcci terapeutici al problema clinico della resistenza alla chemioterapia antitumorale”.
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Appendix: Determination of C α
Appendix: Determination of C α
The CT scans of the patients, generally 3 mm thick, have been uploaded in the MATrix LABoratory (MATLAB version 7.1, The MathWorks Inc., Natick, MA, USA) and processed by a home-made software CIRIO. In particular, the CT scan, containing the isocenter, is initially contoured.
The input data of the CIRIO software for every arc are
the gantry initial angle α i and the final angle α f of the arc θ;
the isocenter position;
the mean equivalent square field of the arc;
the couch angle β as respect to the gun-target direction;
the x-ray beam quality.
If the couch angle β = 0, only the CT slice that contains the isocenter is processed by CIRIO software. When the couch angle is not equal to 0 (for non-coplanar arcs) a number, n, of CT slices have to be processed
where the FOV is the field of view diameter of the CT scanner (equal to 48.8 cm) and τ is the thickness of the patient’s CT slice. Using the n CT slices a non-coplanar image along the β direction is obtained interpolating its values between the two nearest CT slices that contain each given section of the transversal plane along the β direction, then the non-coplanar image is processed by the CIRIO software.
For each of the n gantry angles, α, the program supplies
the geometric patient’s thickness, z, the distance, d, between z/2 and the isocenter and the depth of the isocenter point z iso.
the mean relative physical densities along the depth z, z/2, z iso. These data are determined using the stechiometric calibration of the Hounsfield numbers. Indeed the pixel values, along a rectangular strip coincident with the beam central axis (5 mm wide), were converted firstly in mean electronic density and successively in mean physical density.
the water-EPLs w, w/2 w iso determined multiplying the geometrical thicknesses z, z/2 and z iso, by their mean relative physical densities.
By these data, the function F(w,L), the factors f(d,L) and the TMR can be selected to obtain the dose reconstruction factors C α and the D iso values. The execution of this phase takes no more than 5 min.
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Piermattei, A., Fidanzio, A., Azario, L. et al. In patient dose reconstruction using a cine acquisition for dynamic arc radiation therapy. Med Biol Eng Comput 47, 425–433 (2009). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11517-009-0456-x
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11517-009-0456-x