Square binary patterns have become the de facto fiducial marker for most computer vision applications. Existing tracking solutions suffer a number of limitations, such as the low frame-rate and sensitivity to partial occlusions. This work aims at overcoming these limitations, by exploiting temporal information in video-sequences. We propose a parallel detection, compensation and tracking (PDCAT) framework, which can be integrated into any binary marker system. Our solution is capable of recovering markers even when they become mostly occluded. Furthermore, the low processing time of the tracking task makes PDCAT more than an order of magnitude faster than a track-by-detect solution. This is particularly important for embedded computer vision applications, wherein the detection run at a very low frame rate. In the experiments conducted on an embedded computer, the processing frame rate of the track-by-detect solution was merely 11 FPS. Our solution, on the other hand, was capable of processing more than 100 FPS.
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18 September 2020
A Correction to this paper has been published: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11554-020-01017-3
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Araar, O., Mokhtari, I.E. & Bengherabi, M. PDCAT: a framework for fast, robust, and occlusion resilient fiducial marker tracking. J Real-Time Image Proc 18, 691–702 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11554-020-01010-w
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11554-020-01010-w