The common existing methods for performing the sleep stage classification include the time domain-based approaches, the frequency domain-based approaches and the time frequency domain-based approaches. However, the structures imposed by the transforms sometimes result to the poor classification performances. Recently, the deep learning-based methods such as the convolutional neural network-based methods are proposed. However, the required computational power for performing the training is very high. To address these issues, this paper proposes a dynamic mode decomposition-based (DMD) approach for performing the sleep stage classification. The DMD is a time space analysis-based approach. First, the polysomnograms including a single channel of the electroencephalograms and a single channel of the electrooculograms are acquired. Then, the DMD is applied to the epochs of these signals. Next, the dynamic mode powers of the components decomposed by the DMD are computed and they are employed as the features. After that, the random forest is employed for performing the classification. The computer numerical simulations are conducted using two datasets. They are the sleep EDF dataset and the sleep EDF expanded dataset. Here, the durations of the signals are 30 s. As our proposed method exploits the relationship between the temporal electric field influence and the spatial electric field influence among the channels, our proposed method outperforms the existing methods. In particular, our proposed method yields the classification accuracy and the Cohen’s Kappa coefficient at 99.8748% and 0.9980, respectively, for the six sleep stage classification.
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This paper was supported partly by the National Nature Science Foundation of China (no. U1701266, no. 61671163 and no. 62071128), the Team Project of the Education Ministry of the Guangdong Province (no. 2017KCXTD011), the Guangdong Higher Education Engineering Technology Research Center for Big Data on Manufacturing Knowledge Patent (no. 501130144) and the Hong Kong Innovation and Technology Commission, Enterprise Support Scheme (no. S/E/070/17).
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JL is responsible for conducting the simulations and performing the data acquisition, formulating the methodology, implementing the algorithm and writing the draft of the paper. BW-KL is responsible for formulating the methodology, revising the paper, attracting the funding and managing the project. RL, JS, SL, JHC and QL are responsible for validating the results.
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Liu, J., Ling, B.WK., Li, R. et al. Sleep stage classification via dynamic mode decomposition approach. SIViP 18, 535–544 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11760-023-02734-5
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11760-023-02734-5