One important factor in the failure to learn arithmetic in the normal way is an endogenous core deficit in the sense of number. This has been associated with low numeracy in general (e.g. Halberda et al. in Nature 455:665–668, 2008) and with dyscalculia more specifically (e.g. Landerl et al. in Cognition 93:99–125, 2004). Here, we describe straightforward ways of identifying this deficit, and offer some new ways of strengthening the sense of number using learning technologies.
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Butterworth, B., Laurillard, D. Low numeracy and dyscalculia: identification and intervention. ZDM Mathematics Education 42, 527–539 (2010). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11858-010-0267-4
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11858-010-0267-4