Diffusion properties from diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) are exquisitely sensitive to white matter abnormalities incurred during traumatic brain injury (TBI), especially for those patients with chronic post-TBI symptoms such as headaches, dizziness, fatigue, etc. The evaluation of structural and functional connectivity using DTI has become a promising method for identifying subtle alterations in brain connectivity associated with TBI that are otherwise not visible with conventional imaging. This study assessed whether TBI patients with (n = 17) or without (n = 16) chronic symptoms (TBIcs/TBIncs) exhibit any changes in structural connectivity (SC) and mean fractional anisotropy (mFA) of intra- and inter-hemispheric connections when compared to a control group (CG) (n = 13). Reductions in SC and mFA were observed for TBIcs compared to CG, but not for TBIncs. More connections were found to have mFA reductions than SC reductions. On the whole, SC is dominated by ipsilateral connections for all the groups after the comparison of contralateral and ipsilateral connections. More contra-ipsi reductions of mFA were found for TBIcs than TBIncs compared to CG. These findings suggest that TBI patients with chronic symptoms not only demonstrate decreased global and regional mFA but also reduced structural network connectivity.

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We would like to thank Santa Clara Brain Injury Center and our Veterans for their support to the study.
This study was supported by War Related Illness and Injury Center (WRIISC) located at VA Palo Alto.
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Kang, X., Yoon, B.C., Grossner, E. et al. Characteristics of the Structural Connectivity in Patients with Brain Injury and Chronic Health Symptoms: A Pilot Study. Neuroinform 22, 573–589 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12021-024-09681-7
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12021-024-09681-7