To enhance the controller performance, an advanced sine–cosine-algorithm (SCA) is employed for Fractional order PID (FOPID) controller tuning in this paper. The SCA-FOPID controller is based on model-based controller design method of physical systems to get better performance. The FOPID controller is designed by SCA optimization technique using the time domain objective function for AVR system. The SCA technique is responsible to optimize five parameters of FOPID controller based on minimum value of objective function of the controller design. The proposed SCA-FOPID controller is design at a global optimum of objective function is acheived. Then, the AVR system has good regulation of terminal voltage at the output to meet desired performance. The proposed method has a good reference tracking ability and frequency responses. This method is compared with the PID and FOPID controller designs of AVR system in the recent years, the proposed SCA-FOPID controller gives an excellent performance from the extensive simulations studies.

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Bhookya, J., Jatoth, R.K. Optimal FOPID/PID controller parameters tuning for the AVR system based on sine–cosine-algorithm. Evol. Intel. 12, 725–733 (2019). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12065-019-00290-x
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12065-019-00290-x