Scientists working in the area of distributed function optimization have to deal with a huge variety of optimization techniques and algorithms. Most of the existing research in this domain makes use of tightly-coupled systems that either have strict synchronization requirements or completely rely on a central server, which coordinates the work of clients and acts as a state repository. Quite recently, the possibility to perform such optimization tasks in a P2P decentralized network of solvers has been investigated and explored, leading to promising results. In order to improve and ease this newly addressed research area, we designed and developed p2poem (P2P Optimization Epidemic Middleware), that aims at bridging the gap between the issues related to the design and deployment of large-scale P2P systems and the need to easily deploy and execute optimization tasks in such a distributed environment.
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Alberto Montresor is supported by the Italian MIUR Project Autonomous Security, sponsored by the PRIN 2008 Programme.
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Biazzini, M., Montresor, A. p2poem: Function optimization in P2P networks. Peer-to-Peer Netw. Appl. 6, 213–232 (2013). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12083-012-0152-8
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12083-012-0152-8