The risk assessment for the human health of airborne mineral fibres, including asbestos minerals, is a complex task. WebFPTI is a browser-based software written in Python that allows users to calculate an index of toxicity and pathogenicity potential of mineral fibres based on their crystal-chemical-physical properties. WebFPTI can be a powerful tool for both academy and environmental/health institutions to classify the carcinogenicity potential of (respirable) mineral fibres, so that specific actions aimed at protecting workers and general public can be fostered.

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The user can access the WebFPTI application via the URL: http://fibers-fpti.unimore.it. The application can be accessed using a Web browser. To get “Contributing users” account, submit your request to one of these email addresses: mauro.leoncini@unimore.it, alessandro.gualtieri@unimore.it, dario.digiuseppe@unimore.it.
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This research was supported by the grant “Fondi di Ateneo per la Ricerca (FAR 2017)—Fiber potential toxicity Index (FPTI). A quantitative model to evaluate the toxicity and pathogenicity of mineral fibers, including asbestos” and later under the project “Fibres: A Multidisciplinary Mineralogical, Crystal-Chemical and Biological Project to Amend the Paradigm of Toxicity and Cancerogenicity of Mineral Fibres” (PRIN – Bando 2017—Prot. 20173X8WA4).
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A.F.G. conceived the idea and wrote together with D.D.G. the manuscript with the contribution of all the co-authors. M.L. and L. R. made the web-based application. A.F.G, D.G.G. and A.Z. carried out the study concerning fibrous glaucophane.
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Gualtieri, A.F., Leoncini, M., Rinaldi, L. et al. WebFPTI: A tool to predict the toxicity/pathogenicity of mineral fibres including asbestos. Earth Sci Inform 14, 2401–2409 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12145-021-00646-x
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12145-021-00646-x