Remote collaboration using mixed reality (MR) enables two separated workers to collaborate by sharing visual cues. A local worker can share his/her environment to the remote worker for a better contextual understanding. However, prior techniques were using either 360 video sharing or a complicated 3D reconstruction configuration. This limits the interactivity and practicality of the system. In this paper we show an interactive and easy-to-configure MR remote collaboration technique enabling a local worker to easily share his/her environment by integrating 360 panorama images into a low-cost 3D reconstructed scene as photo-bubbles and projective textures. This enables the remote worker to visit past scenes on either an immersive 360 panoramic scenery, or an interactive 3D environment. We developed a prototype and conducted a user study comparing the two modes of how 360 panorama images could be used in a remote collaboration system. Results suggested that both photo-bubbles and projective textures can provide high social presence, co-presence and low cognitive load for solving tasks while each have its advantage and limitations. For example, photo-bubbles are good for a quick navigation inside the 3D environment without depth perception while projective textures are good for spatial understanding but require physical efforts.
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Teo, T., Norman, M., Lee, G.A. et al. Exploring interaction techniques for 360 panoramas inside a 3D reconstructed scene for mixed reality remote collaboration. J Multimodal User Interfaces 14, 373–385 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12193-020-00343-x
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12193-020-00343-x