This paper brings out the ability of ‘ramped vane (RV)’ vortex generators in attenuating a shock-induced flow separation near an axisymmetric compression corner. Investigations were performed at Mach 2 over a cone–cylinder–flare geometry, with a flow deflection angle of 24° at the cylinder-flare juncture. The boundary layer thickness (δ) at the corner location was estimated to be 5 mm. A circumferential array of RVs was positioned 50 mm (10δ) upstream of the corner and their trailing edge height (h) was 2.8 mm, which was two-third of the local boundary layer thickness (h = 0.67δRV). The RVs produced streamwise counter-rotating vortices that replaced the low-momentum fluid near the model surface with high-momentum fluid from the outermost parts of the boundary layer. As a result, the onset of the interaction/separation was delayed throughout the entire circumference of the model. The interaction’s average upstream influence length was reduced by 36%, and the average thickness of the separation region was reduced by about 45%. The surface flow patterns also revealed that the RVs caused large-scale corrugations in the separation and reattachment lines. Furthermore, footprints of small tornado-like vortices could also be seen along the device centrelines, which were likely formed due to interactions between the streamwise vortices and the separation bubble.
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This research was funded by the Science and Engineering Research Board, Department of Science and Technology (DST-SERB), Government of India through their Core Research Grant (CRG) scheme (Grant No: CRG/2018/003925). The authors thank A. Narayana, V. Biju and M. S. Eshwar for their assistance during the wind tunnel tests. The support of Bhushan Lokhande, Vaibhav. A. Gonjari, Mandar Mate and Gabriel Joseph is also gratefully acknowledged. The first author thanks DIAT for the institutional fellowship.
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Nilavarasan, T., Joshi, G.N., Misra, A. et al. Mitigation of shock-induced flow separation over an axisymmetric flared body using ramped vanes. J Vis 26, 1279–1297 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12650-023-00933-3
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12650-023-00933-3