In open-pit mines, monitoring of topographic and volumetric changes through time is found to be of great importance to support excavation stages and to plan rehabilitation strategies. In this work, we describe a geomatic approach to assess changes in surface mine extent and to quantify excavated volume in the Sa Pigada open-pit mine, Sardinia, Italy. We performed two drone-based photogrammetric surveys in 2013 and 2015, and by means of the Structure from Motion (SfM) technique, we obtained related 3D dense point clouds and digital orthophotos. Images were georeferenced thanks to a series of ground control points surveyed with geodetic GPS. Distances between the two clouds were estimated with the recent Multiscale Model to Model Cloud Comparison (M3C2) plug-in included in the CloudCompare open-source software. Starting from cloud-to-cloud distances, we calculated the excavated volume of mineral resources between the two surveys. Results of the M3C2 comparison supported the analysis of the two orthophotos, through which accurate limits of the 2013 and 2015 active mine areas, rehabilitated area and temporary dumps were identified and drawn in a digital map. Results obtained in this study suggest that the applied geomatic techniques are suitable for performing accurate change detection analysis in open-pit environments and represent a valid support for scientists and technicians allowing to monitor with high spatial and temporal resolutions. This approach can be also considered a valid tool to reduce environmental impact from mining.

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The authors acknowledge managers and technicians of the Sa Pigada Bianca open-pit mine (Argillitti s.r.l.) for their collaboration, and Menci Software s.r.l. for its support during the first UAV survey.
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Esposito, G., Mastrorocco, G., Salvini, R. et al. Application of UAV photogrammetry for the multi-temporal estimation of surface extent and volumetric excavation in the Sa Pigada Bianca open-pit mine, Sardinia, Italy. Environ Earth Sci 76, 103 (2017). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12665-017-6409-z
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12665-017-6409-z