Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) diagnostic systems, based on association of multimodal tools such as combination of Electroencephalogram (EEG) and eye-tracking, have emerged as an analytical to provide objective biomarkers. However, the existing feature-redundancy-based systems have lacked in providing knowledge of fusion approaches and robust feature-set. The present paper aims to reduce disorder homogeneity by proposing a multimodal diagnostic system which can incorporate multimodal data. The paper has collected simultaneous-data from three modalities (laptop-performance tool, EEG machine, and Eye-tracker) fused the recorded computational, neural and visual data. The multimodal features are analyzed via proposed multimodal Kernel-based discriminant correlation analysis (MKDCA) fusion approach and classified using state-of-the-art machine-learning classifiers. The proposed framework has considered the distinct cardinality of the feature vectors and fused the group structure among multiple samples after ranking them in increasing order. As per the results, the proposed multimodal system provided fused feature set of 11 influential features out of total 39 features. The SVM classifier has diagnosed ASD with 92% testing accuracy and 0.988 AUC(ROC). The proposed automated fusion-based system has the potential to classify disorder by reducing the disorder heterogeneity and stratifying ASD individuals into homogeneous sub-groups. In future, the correlation of reduced feature set with ASD clinical symptoms accounted by screening scales can provide clinical relevance of proposed model.

Data availability
The EEG data will be made available on email request to author and Professor M.J. Alhaddad (King Abdulaziz University (KAU), Jeddah, Saudi Arabia).
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I would like to thank the hospital team for allowing to carry the research and for providing the EEG signals. I am also very much thankful to Professor M.J. Alhaddad and his Brain Computer Interface (BCI) Group (King Abdulaziz University (KAU), Jeddah, Saudi Arabia) for providing the EEG signals of ASD children.
The present work is not supported financially by any funding agency.
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Wadhera, T. Multimodal Kernel-based discriminant correlation analysis data-fusion approach: an automated autism spectrum disorder diagnostic system. Phys Eng Sci Med 47, 361–369 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s13246-023-01350-4
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s13246-023-01350-4