In this paper, we introduce some set-theoretic operations and laws of the IV-CFSSs, such as interval-valued complex fuzzy soft complement, union, intersection, t-norm, s-norm, simple product, Cartesian product, probabilistic sum, simple difference, and the convex linear sum of min and max operators. We define the distance measure of two IV-CFSSs. This distance measure is then used to define the \(\delta \)-equality of IV-CFSSs. We establish some particular examples and basic results of these operations and laws. Moreover, we use IV-CFSSs in decision-making problems. We develop a new decision-making method using the interval-valued complex fuzzy distance measures under the environments of IV-CFSSs. We discuss the real-life case based on the proposed decision-making method. A real-life example demonstrates that the decision-making method developed in the paper can be utilized to deal with problems of uncertainty. Further, the comparative study of IV-CFSSs with complex fuzzy soft sets, interval-valued fuzzy soft sets, and fuzzy soft sets is established.
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This work is financially supported by the Higher Education Commission of Pakistan (Grant No. 7750/Federal/NRPU/R &D/HEC/2017).
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Zeeshan, M., Khan, M., Abid, M.A. et al. Decision-making method under the interval-valued complex fuzzy soft environment. Comp. Appl. Math. 43, 203 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s40314-024-02686-7
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s40314-024-02686-7
- Soft set
- Interval-valued complex fuzzy soft set
- Interval-valued complex fuzzy soft operations
- Decision-making method