Let p be a prime number and \(q=p^m\) for some positive integer m. In this paper, we find the possible Hermitian hull dimensions of \(\lambda \)-constacyclic codes over \(R_e={\mathbb {F}}_{q^2}+u{\mathbb {F}}_{q^2} +u^2{\mathbb {F}}_{q^2}+\cdots +u^{e-1}{\mathbb {F}}_{q^2}\), \(u^e=1\) where \({\mathbb {F}}_{q^2}\) is the finite field of \(q^2\) elements, \(e|(q+1)\) and \(\lambda =\eta _1\alpha _1+\eta _2\alpha _2+\cdots +\eta _e\alpha _e\) for \(\alpha _l \in {\mathbb {F}}_{q^2}^{*}\) of order \(r_l\) such that \(r_l\mid q+1\) (for each \(1\le l \le e\)). Further, we obtain some conditions for these codes to be Hermitian LCD. Also, under certain conditions, we establish a strong result that converts every constacyclic code to a Hermitian LCD code (Corollaries 2 and 3). We also study the structure of generator polynomials for Hermitian dual-containing constacyclic codes (Theorems 8 and 9), and obtain parameters of quantum codes using the Hermitian construction. The approach we used to derive Hermitian dual-containing conditions via the hull has not been used earlier. As an application, we obtain several optimal and near-to-optimal LCD codes, constacyclic codes having small hull dimensions, and quantum codes.
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Yadav, S., Singh, A., Islam, H. et al. Hermitian hull of constacyclic codes over a class of non-chain rings and new quantum codes. Comp. Appl. Math. 43, 269 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s40314-024-02789-1
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s40314-024-02789-1