With the rapid development of the internet in the past decade, it has become increasingly important to extract valuable information from vast resources efficiently, which is crucial for establishing a comprehensive digital ecosystem, particularly in the context of research surveys and comprehension. The foundation of these tasks focuses on accurate extraction and deep mining of data from scientific documents, which are essential for building a robust data infrastructure. However, parsing raw data or extracting data from complex scientific documents have been ongoing challenges. Current data extraction methods for scientific documents typically use rule-based (RB) or machine learning (ML) approaches. However, using rule-based methods can incur high coding costs for articles with intricate typesetting. Conversely, relying solely on machine learning methods necessitates annotation work for complex content types within the scientific document, which can be costly. Additionally, few studies have thoroughly defined and explored the hierarchical layout within scientific documents. The lack of a comprehensive definition of the internal structure and elements of the documents indirectly impacts the accuracy of text classification and object recognition tasks. From the perspective of analyzing the standard layout and typesetting used in the specified publication, we propose a new document layout analysis framework called Compartment and Text Blocks Refinement (CTBR). Firstly, we define scientific documents into hierarchical divisions: base domain, compartment, and text blocks. Next, we conduct an in-depth exploration and classification of the meanings of text blocks. Finally, we utilize the results of text block classification to implement object recognition within scientific documents based on rule-based compartment segmentation. For the experiment, we used the well-known ACL format proceeding articles as experimental data for the validation experiment. The experiment shows that our approach achieved over 95% text block classification accuracy and 90% object recognition accuracy for tables and figures.
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We will release the dataset and all experimental data at an appropriate time.
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This work was supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant No. JP20H04295.
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(1) We propose a novel framework for understanding the layout of scientific documents in a hierarchical structure. This framework includes base domains, compartments, and text blocks, with a hierarchical structure that clearly represents the functionality of single-modal and multi-modal elements. (2) To process text blocks, which are the fundamental elements of scientific document layout analysis in this work, we developed an integrated encoding template highlighting their characteristics. These patterns encompass dimensions, coordinates, font type, font size, and text density within the text blocks. (3) To differentiate between the different types of information conveyed by each text block, we manually annotated the linguistic and non-linguistic information in a short period. This allowed us to create a small-scale dataset for implementing a text block classification module based on machine learning technology. Our approach is characterized by its relatively low time cost for training on specific sets of scientific documents. This enables accurate multi-modal text block classification and information extraction for large volumes of similarly formatted scientific documents. (4) Based on the classification results, we implemented a compartment segmentation module to improve the identification of figures and tables to achieve more accurate object recognition for complex cases. In order to evaluate the effectiveness of our proposed method for object recognition, we conducted comparison experiments with existing multi-modal document processing models.
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Li, J., Gu, W., Ota, K. et al. Object Recognition from Scientific Document Based on Compartment and Text Blocks Refinement Framework. SN COMPUT. SCI. 5, 816 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s42979-024-03130-7
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s42979-024-03130-7