This article offers several contributions to the interdisciplinary project of responsible research and innovation in data science and AI. First, it provides a critical analysis of current efforts to establish practical mechanisms for algorithmic auditing and assessment to identify limitations and gaps with these approaches. Second, it provides a brief introduction to the methodology of argument-based assurance and explores how it is currently being applied in the development of safety cases for autonomous and intelligent systems. Third, it generalises this method to incorporate wider ethical, social, and legal considerations, in turn establishing a novel version of argument-based assurance that we call ‘ethical assurance.’ Ethical assurance is presented as a structured method for unifying the myriad practical mechanisms that have been proposed. It is built on a process-based form of project governance that enlists reflective innovation practices to operationalise normative principles, such as sustainability, accountability, transparency, fairness, and explainability. As a set of interlocutory governance mechanisms that span across the data science and AI lifecycle, ethical assurance supports inclusive and participatory ethical deliberation while also remaining grounded in social and technical realities. Finally, this article sets an agenda for ethical assurance, by detailing current challenges, open questions, and next steps, which serve as a springboard to build an active (and interdisciplinary) research programme as well as contribute to ongoing discussions in policy and governance.
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Readers who wish to jump straight to our positive proposal can begin with this section, but in doing so will skip over important details that explain the context and motivation for the proposal itself.
It is important to acknowledge that [11] recognise that the mechanisms alone are merely tools to support wider processes of governance, and also suggest the need for pursuing argument-based forms of assurance in Appendix III.
Ashmore et al. [4] also define key desiderata for each of the four stages of their “ML lifecycle”: data management, model learning, model verification, and model deployment.
For instance, consider the following statement from (Hawkins et al. [34], 13): “requirements such as security or usability should be defined as ML safety requirements only if the behaviours or constraints captured by these requirements influence the safety criticality of the ML output. ‘Soft constraints’ such as interpretability may be crucial to the acceptance of an ML component especially where the system is part of a socio‐technical solution. All such constraints defined as ML safety requirements must be clearly linked to safety outcomes.”.
Ward and Habli do acknowledge that the first step in the process of developing an assurance case centred upon interpretability is to “ask why the project needs interpretability and set the desired requirements that the project should satisfy.” Therefore, it is possible that the pattern they offer may also serve to provide assurance for wider (interpretability-linked) normative goals.
The term ‘MLOps’ refers to the application of DevOps practices to ML pipelines. The term is often used in an inclusive manner to incorporate traditional statistical or data science practices that support the ML lifecycle, but are not themselves constitutive of machine learning (e.g. exploratory data analysis), as well as deployment practices that are important within business and operational contexts (e.g. monitoring KPIs).
There is some notable overlap between this stage of the project lifecycle and the ethical assurance methodology, as some approaches to model reporting often contain similar information that is used in building an ethical assurance case [4, 51], specifically in the process of establishing evidential claims and warrant (see Sect. 4.2).
Algorithmic aversion refers to the reluctance of human agents to incorporate algorithmic tools as part of their decision-making processes due to misaligned expectations of the algorithm’s performance (see [12]).
This does not mean that if a system has been deployed with little to no oversight, nor with any due consideration given to the transparency and accountability of the processes, and ends up causing significant harm, that those responsible should be able to claim that it was due to “unforeseeable risk.”.
Harm to the environment can of course be incorporated into a broader notion of ‘safety,’ such that pollution generated in the everyday operations of a power station are factored into a safety assessment. However, the point we wish to address here is that the scope of concepts, such as ‘safety’ and ‘reliability’ tends to reflect a domain-specific focus or set of priorities (e.g. compliance with technical or legal standards, rather than ethical principles).
In formal terms, we can describe the task of a classifier as trying to determine (or, predict) the value of some unknown variable \({y}_{i}\) \(\in\) \(Y\) based an an observed variable \({x}_{i}\) \(\in\) \(X\). In the case of supervised learning, the ML algorithm is trained on a series of labelled data, taking the form \(({x}_{1},{y}_{1}),...,({x}_{n},{y}_{n})\), where each example is a pair \(({x}_{i},{y}_{i})\) of an instance \({x}_{i}\) and a label \({y}_{i}\). The goal is to learn an optimal mapping function (given certain pre-specified constraints) from the domain of possible values for \(X\) to the range of values that the target variable \(Y\) can assume. This formulation of the classification task covers many concrete examples and algorithm types, at a high level of abstraction (e.g. risk assessment, automated credit scoring, object identification).
For the purpose of this illustration, we will not worry about the specific details of \(X\) or \(Y\) However, the general format of this case study is similar to many widely used scoring systems, which need not rely on ML to function (e.g. [64].
This is just a selection of considerations. We cannot hope to cover all other relevant topics here, such as the importance of ensuring that the fairness optimisation constraints are considered reasonable by the affected stakeholders.
This also connects with some possible, future directions for ethical assurance that we discuss in §5.3. Specifically, the possibility of modularising ethical assurance to support the development of argument patterns or a model-based approach.
Diagnostic access bias arises when individuals differ in their geographic, temporal, and economic access to healthcare services, this variation may result in their exclusion from a study or dataset, differential access to diagnostic tests, or affect the accuracy of the diagnostic test itself. This can cause under- or over-estimation of the true prevalence of a disease, and lead to worse treatment for socioeconomically deprived individuals.
It also involves what epistemologists refer to as the transmission of justification across inference, which is a process where the justification for one belief (p) derives its justification from the justification that one has for a secondary belief (q) [52].
Those readers who are familiar with informal logic and argumentation theory will recognise that this structure is also heavily influenced by the work of Stephen Toulmin [69], whose research into the structure of arguments has been highly influential in the development of ABA.
The sufficiency of the overall assurance case will, of course, depend on 1 and 2.
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We wish to thank Ibrahim Habli, Zoe Porter, Geoff Keeling, Rosamund Powell, and Mike Katell for their insightful comments on earlier drafts of this article, as well as offering suggestions for further research that took the article in valuable directions, which it otherwise would not have explored.
This research was supported by a grant from the UKRI Trustworthy Autonomous Systems Hub, awarded to Dr Christopher Burr. Additional funding was provided by Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC Grant# EP/T001569/1, EPSR Grant# EP/W006022/1), Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC Grant # ES/T007354/1).
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Burr, C., Leslie, D. Ethical assurance: a practical approach to the responsible design, development, and deployment of data-driven technologies. AI Ethics 3, 73–98 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s43681-022-00178-0
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s43681-022-00178-0