We formalize a model for supervised learning of action strategies in dynamic stochastic domains and show that PAC-learning results on Occam algorithms hold in this model as well. We then identify a class of rule-based action strategies for which polynomial time learning is possible. The representation of strategies is a generalization of decision lists; strategies include rules with existentially quantified conditions, simple recursive predicates, and small internal state, but are syntactically restricted. We also study the learnability of hierarchically composed strategies where a subroutine already acquired can be used as a basic action in a higher level strategy. We prove some positive results in this setting, but also show that in some cases the hierarchical learning problem is computationally hard.
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Khardon, R. Learning to Take Actions. Machine Learning 35, 57–90 (1999). https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1007571119753
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1007571119753