We describe the design and implementation of our StratOSphere project, a framework which unifies distributed objects and mobile code applications. We begin by first examining different mobile code paradigms that distribute processing of code and data resource components across a network. After analyzing these paradigms, and presenting a lattice of functionality, we then develop a layered architecture for StratOSphere, incorporating higher levels of mobility and interoperability at each successive layer. In our design, we provide an object model that permits objects to migrate to different sites, select among different method implementations, and provide new methods and behavior. We describe how we build new semantics in each software layer, and present sample objects developed for the Alexandria Digital Library Project at UC Santa Barbara, which as been building an information retrieval system for geographically-referenced information and datasets. We have designed using StratOSphere a repository that stores its holdings. The library's map, image and geographical data are viewed as a collection of objects with extensible operations. StratOSphere.
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Wu, D., Agrawal, D. & El Abbadi, A. Mobility and Extensibility in the StratOSphere Framework. Distributed and Parallel Databases 7, 289–317 (1999). https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1008734827590
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1008734827590