With the rapid growth of network computing, the demand for large‐scale and complex software systems has increased dramatically. However, the development of large‐scale and complex software systems is much more difficult and error prone. This is due to the fact that techniques and tools for assuring the correctness and reliability of software systems lag far behind the increasing growth in size and complexity of software systems. The concept of software architecture has recently emerged as a new way to improve our ability to effectively construct and maintain large‐scale complex software systems. The architecture based development of software systems focuses on the architectural elements and their overall interconnection structure. Several Architectural Definition Languages (ADLs) have been proposed for specifying domain specific or general purpose architectures. On the other hand, formal verification is rapidly becoming a promising and automated method to ensure the accuracy and correctness of software systems. In this paper, we survey several architecture description languages and formal verification methods. We present an environment to conduct experiments to study the performance of five different verification tools on software architecture specifications. Based on these experiments, we are able to compare the efficiency of these verification tools in verifying certain software property.
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Tsai, J.J., Xu, K. A comparative study of formal verification techniques for software architecture specifications. Annals of Software Engineering 10, 207–223 (2000). https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1018960305057
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1018960305057