This paper studies the heavy-traffic behavior of a closed system consisting of two service stations. The first station is an infinite server and the second is a single server whose service rate depends on the size of the queue at the station. We consider the regime when both the number of customers, n, and the service rate at the single-server station go to infinity while the service rate at the infinite-server station is held fixed. We show that, as n→∞, the process of the number of customers at the infinite-server station normalized by n converges in probability to a deterministic function satisfying a Volterra integral equation. The deviations of the normalized queue from its deterministic limit multiplied by √n converge in distribution to the solution of a stochastic Volterra equation. The proof uses a new approach to studying infinite-server queues in heavy traffic whose main novelty is to express the number of customers at the infinite server as a time-space integral with respect to a time-changed sequential empirical process. This gives a new insight into the structure of the limit processes and makes the end results easy to interpret. Also the approach allows us to give a version of the classical heavy-traffic limit theorem for the G/GI/∞ queue which, in particular, reconciles the limits obtained earlier by Iglehart and Borovkov.
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Krichagina, E., Puhalskii, A. A heavy-traffic analysis of a closed queueing system with a GI/∞ service center. Queueing Systems 25, 235–280 (1997). https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1019108502933
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1019108502933