The western part of the Bohemian Massif has played an exceptional role in recent geodynamic activity of the region. It is characterised by repeated occurrences of earthquake swarms and by other manifestations of deep tectonic processes (CO 2 emissions, anomalous 3 He content, mineral waters, mofettes, etc.). The purpose of this paper is to introduce some other intraplate regions with earthquake swarm occurrence (French Massif Central; Colli Albani and Vulsini Mts., central Italy; Southern Apennines, Italy; the Danville and Long Valley regions, California; central Arkansas), and with artificially induced earthquake swarms (Larderello, Italy, geothermal field; Coso, California, geothermal field; NE Bavaria, Germany, deep drilling project). Although these areas represent different tectonic environments, the manifestations of recent geodynamic and/or man-made activity are similar in many aspects. This coincidence most probably issues from a common cause of both tectonic and artificially induced earthquake swarms – intrusions/injections of fluids. Since the regions with earthquake swarm occurrence of tectonic origin are situated as a rule in the close neighbourhood of Quaternary volcanoes, the intruding fluids seem to be derived from magma recently transported to upper crustal layers.
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Špičák, A. Earthquake Swarms and Accompanying Phenomena in Intraplate Regions: A Review. Studia Geophysica et Geodaetica 44, 89–106 (2000). https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1022146422444
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1022146422444