The effectiveness of single threshold I DDQ measurement for defect detection is eroded owing to higher and more variable background leakage current in modern VLSIs. Delta I DDQ is identified as one alternative for deep submicron current measurements. Often delta I DDQ is coupled with voltage and thermal stress in order to accelerate the failure mechanisms. A major concern is the I DDQ limit setting under normal and stressed conditions. In this article, we investigate the impact of voltage and thermal stress on the background leakage. We calculate I DDQ limits for normal and stressed operating conditions of 0.18 μm n-MOSFETs using a device simulator. Intrinsic leakage current components of transistor are analyzed and the impact of technology scaling on effectiveness of stressed ΔI DDQ testing is also investigated.
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Semenov, O., Vassighi, A. & Sachdev, M. Leakage Current in Sub-Quarter Micron MOSFET: A Perspective on Stressed Delta I DDQ Testing. Journal of Electronic Testing 19, 341–352 (2003). https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1023713517064
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1023713517064