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Overexpression of petunia chalcone isomerase in tomato results in fruit containing increased levels of flavonols


Tomatoes are an excellent source of the carotenoid lycopene, a compound that is thought to be protective against prostate cancer. They also contain small amounts of flavonoids in their peel (∼5–10 mg/kg fresh weight), mainly naringenin chalcone and the flavonol rutin, a quercetin glycoside. Flavonols are very potent antioxidants, and an increasing body of epidemiological data suggests that high flavonoid intake is correlated with a decreased risk for cardiovascular disease. We have upregulated flavonol biosynthesis in the tomato in order to generate fruit with increased antioxidant capacity and a wider range of potential health benefit properties. This involved transformation of tomato with the Petunia chi-a gene encoding chalcone isomerase. Resulting transgenic tomato lines produced an increase of up to 78 fold in fruit peel flavonols, mainly due to an accumulation of rutin. No gross phenotypical differences were observed between high-flavonol transgenic and control lines. The phenotype segregated with the transgene and demonstrated a stable inheritance pattern over four subsequent generations tested thus far. Whole-fruit flavonol levels in the best of these lines are similar to those found in onions, a crop with naturally high levels of flavonol compounds. Processing of high-flavonol tomatoes demonstrated that 65% of flavonols present in the fresh fruit were retained in the processed paste, supporting their potential as raw materials for tomato-based functional food products.

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Figure 1: Flavonoid biosynthetic pathway.
Figure 2: Accumulation of rutin (dashed line) and naringenin chalcone (solid line) in developing tomato peel.
Figure 3: Northern analysis of developing tomato fruit.
Figure 4: Flavonoid levels in the peel of transgenic tomato fruit.
Figure 5: Chromatogram recorded at 370 nm, of nonhydrolyzed peel of control and pBBC50-transformed fruit.
Figure 6: Flavonol levels of field trial transgenic fruit.

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The authors wish to thank Dr. Adel Elsheikh and Dr. Jinguo Hu (Lipton Innovation Centre, Stockton, CA) for their assistance with transgenic field trials. We also thank Bob Cowper, Carl Jarman, Tracey Macdonald, and Katherine Redwood (URC, Sharnbrook, UK) for their technical contributions.

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Correspondence to Martine E. Verhoeyen.

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Muir, S., Collins, G., Robinson, S. et al. Overexpression of petunia chalcone isomerase in tomato results in fruit containing increased levels of flavonols. Nat Biotechnol 19, 470–474 (2001). https://doi.org/10.1038/88150

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