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Narrowing the climate information usability gap


Climate-change-related risks pose serious threats to the management of a wide range of social, economic and ecological systems. Managing these risks requires knowledge-intensive adaptive management and policy-making actively informed by scientific knowledge, especially climate science1. However, potentially useful climate information often goes unused1,2. This suggests a gap between what scientists understand as useful information and what users recognize as usable in their decision-making. We propose a dynamic conceptual model to address this gap and highlight strategies to move information from useful to usable to reduce climate-related risks.

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Figure 1: The conceptual model.

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Lemos, M., Kirchhoff, C. & Ramprasad, V. Narrowing the climate information usability gap. Nature Clim Change 2, 789–794 (2012). https://doi.org/10.1038/nclimate1614

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