Magnetic cooling could be a radically different energy solution substituting conventional vapour compression refrigeration in the future. For the largest cooling effects of most potential refrigerants we need to fully exploit the different degrees of freedom such as magnetism and crystal structure. We report now for Heusler-type NiâMnâInâ(Co) magnetic shape-memory alloys, the adiabatic temperature change ÎTad = â3.6 to â6.2âK under a moderate field of 2âT. Here it is the structural transition that plays the dominant role towards the net cooling effect. A phenomenological model is established that reveals the parameters essential for such a large ÎTad. We also demonstrate that obstacles to the application of Heusler alloys, namely the usually large hysteresis and limited operating temperature window, can be overcome by using the multi-response to different external stimuli and/or fine-tuning the lattice parameters, and by stacking a series of alloys with tailored magnetostructural transitions.
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The research leading to these results has received financial support from Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (SPP 1239) and the European Communityâs 7th Framework Programme under grant agreement No. 214864 (SSEEC). Thanks to K. Nenkov for technical support and to M. D. Kuzâmin, K. H. Müller and K.G. Sandeman for fruitful discussions.
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J.L., K.P.S. and T.G. designed and performed the experiments. J.L., K.P.S., T.G. and J.D.M. analysed the data. J.L. wrote the manuscript with the support of J.D.M.,T.G. and O.G. O.G. led projects.
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Liu, J., Gottschall, T., Skokov, K. et al. Giant magnetocaloric effect driven by structural transitions. Nature Mater 11, 620â626 (2012). https://doi.org/10.1038/nmat3334
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/nmat3334