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Ultrasmall nanoparticles induce ferroptosis in nutrient-deprived cancer cells and suppress tumour growth


The design of cancer-targeting particles with precisely tuned physicochemical properties may enhance the delivery of therapeutics and access to pharmacological targets. However, a molecular-level understanding of the interactions driving the fate of nanomedicine in biological systems remains elusive. Here, we show that ultrasmall (<10 nm in diameter) poly(ethylene glycol)-coated silica nanoparticles, functionalized with melanoma-targeting peptides, can induce a form of programmed cell death known as ferroptosis in starved cancer cells and cancer-bearing mice. Tumour xenografts in mice intravenously injected with nanoparticles using a high-dose multiple injection scheme exhibit reduced growth or regression, in a manner that is reversed by the pharmacological inhibitor of ferroptosis, liproxstatin-1. These data demonstrate that ferroptosis can be targeted by ultrasmall silica nanoparticles and may have therapeutic potential.

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Figure 1: αMSH-PEG-C′-dot particles and their localization to lysosomal networks.
Figure 2: αMSH-PEG-C′ dot particles induce cell death in amino-acid-deprived conditions.
Figure 3: αMSH-PEG-C′ dot particle-induced cell death is not apoptosis, necroptosis or autosis.
Figure 4: Ferroptosis is the underlying mechanisms of αMSH particle-induced cell death.
Figure 5: αMSH-PEG-C′ dots induce cell death in different types of cancer cells.
Figure 6: αMSH-PEG-C′ dots inhibit tumour growth in 786-O and HT-1080 xenograft models.

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This study was funded by grants from the National Institutes of Health (R01GM111350 to M.O.; 1R01CA161280-01A1 to M.B. and U.W.; 1U54 CA199081-01 to M.B. and U.W.; R01GM113013 and R01CA166413 to X.J.; Sloan Kettering Institute Core Grant P30 CA008748CCSG and the Benjamin Friedman Research Fund to M.O.). Peptide synthesis was conducted by the University of Missouri Structural Biology Core.

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Product preparation was performed by K.M., T.Q. and M.Z.T., experimental design by S.E.K., M.O., M.S.B., K.M., L.Z., M.Go., X.J., P.Z., S.M., F.C., T.Q. and U.W., data acquisition by S.E.K., L.Z., K.M., M.Z.T., M.Go., X.J., M.P., F.C., S.M., M.S.B., M.O., I.I., M.C. and M.R., data analysis and interpretation by S.E.K., M.O., M.S.B., K.M., M.P., F.C., P.Z., M.Ga., S.M., L.Z., U.W., I.I., M.C. and M.R., and preparation of the manuscript by S.E.K., M.O., M.S.B., M.Go., P.Z., K.M., S.M., T.Q. and U.W. All authors discussed the results and implications and commented on the manuscript.

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Correspondence to Michelle S. Bradbury or Michael Overholtzer.

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The authors have filed an international patent application PCT/US16/34351.

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Kim, S., Zhang, L., Ma, K. et al. Ultrasmall nanoparticles induce ferroptosis in nutrient-deprived cancer cells and suppress tumour growth. Nature Nanotech 11, 977–985 (2016). https://doi.org/10.1038/nnano.2016.164

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