Key Points
Cells respond to countless external cues using a limited repertoire of interconnected pathways that are activated by G-protein-coupled receptors and receptor tyrosine kinases. Recent discoveries changed our perception of the signal specificity and showed that distinct spatio-temporal activation profiles of the same effectors result in diverse physiological responses.
Computational models have emerged as a novel tool to provide insights into the temporal dynamics and spatial patterns of signalling responses. Mechanistic models of the epidermal-growth-factor-receptor network have created in silico replicas of signalling dynamics and generated experimentally testable hypotheses.
Universal motifs of signalling networks are protein-modification cycles that are catalysed by opposing enzymes, such as a kinase and a phosphatase, or a guanine nucleotide exchange factor and a GTPase-activating protein. Modelling reveals how cycles and cascades process and integrate signals, and which feedback architecture enables robustness, linear or ultrasensitive responses, bistability and oscillations.
Complex dynamics arise from simple basic motifs. Two or more phosphorylation sites potentially lead to bistability. A simple one-site modification cycle can turn into a bistable switch by four different destabilizing mechanisms; an extra stabilizing feedback loop can render this bistable switch into a relaxation oscillator by 32 distinct designs.
Cells have developed mechanisms for precise sensing of their positional information. Intracellular gradients of protein activities arise from the spatial separation of opposing reactions in protein-modification cycles. These gradients provide positional cues for mitosis, motility and migration.
In signalling pathways, including mitogen-activating protein kinase (MAPK) cascades, the membrane confinement of a kinase and the cytosolic localization of phosphatases can result in precipitous gradients of phosphorylated signal-transducers that spread solely by diffusion. Endocytotic trafficking of phosphorylated kinases and travelling waves of protein phosphorylation can propagate phosphorylation signals from the plasma membrane to the nucleus, especially in large cells, such as Xenopus eggs.
Rapid survival signals in neurons might be transmitted by waves of protein phosphorylation that emerge from kinase/phosphatase cascades, such as the mitogen-activated protein kinase, the phosphatidylinositolâ3 kinase-AKT/protein kinase B and GTPase cascades.
The specificity of cellular responses to receptor stimulation is encoded by the spatial and temporal dynamics of downstream signalling networks. Temporal dynamics are coupled to spatial gradients of signalling activities, which guide pivotal intracellular processes and tightly regulate signal propagation across a cell. Computational models provide insights into the complex relationships between the stimuli and the cellular responses, and reveal the mechanisms that are responsible for signal amplification, noise reduction and generation of discontinuous bistable dynamics or oscillations.
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I am grateful to J. Hoek, M. Birtwistle, A. Kiyatkin, N. Markevich, J. Pastorino and M. Tsyganov for stimulating discussions and help with illustrative materials. I apologize that it was not possible to cite all of the many valuable contributions to the field. This work is supported by a National Institutes of Health grant.
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- Apoptosis
Active cell death; the process by which cells commit suicide.
- Steady state
A dynamic system state that does not change over time. If a system is described by differential equations, a steady state is determined by equating the time derivatives of all variables to zero.
- Brownian motion
Random, thermal motion of molecular species.
- Travelling wave
A wave that propagates through a medium (a classical example is a solution that travels at constant velocity with fixed shape, but there are more types of waves).
- Temporal dynamics
A quantitative description of how a system changes over time.
- Deterministic
A dynamic system is deterministic if its trajectory is uniquely determined by the initial state and a given parameter set.
- Stochastic
A system that, at a given initial state in the phase space, can go to different states with different probabilities. The same input given to a stochastic system several times will result in different trajectories, whereas for a deterministic system the outcomes will be identical.
- Ordinary differential equation
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- Guanine nucleotide exchange factor
(GEF). A protein that catalyses the exchange of GDP for GTP for a GTP-binding protein.
- GTPase-activating protein
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- Bistability
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- Relaxation oscillations
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- Dynamic system
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- Parameter
A fixed quantity in a mathematical model, as opposed to a variable.
- Hysteresis
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- Multi-stability
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- Bifurcation
An abrupt qualitative change in the system's dynamics when one or more parameter pass through critical values, for instance the loss of stability and appearance of sustained oscillations.
- Diffusion-limited rate
An upper limit to a reaction rate in the cytoplasm or membrane equal to the encounter rate.
- Concentration gradient
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- Diffusivity
The proportionality constant that is used to describe the diffusion flux as linearly proportional to the negative of the concentration gradient (Fick's law).
- Endocytosis
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- Spatio-temporal dynamics
A quantitative description of how a system changes in space and time.
- Retrograde transport
Movement of material from the nerve terminal to the soma.
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Kholodenko, B. Cell-signalling dynamics in time and space. Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol 7, 165â176 (2006).
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