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Random sketch learning for deep neural networks in edge computing


Despite the great potential of deep neural networks (DNNs), they require massive weights and huge computational resources, creating a vast gap when deploying artificial intelligence at low-cost edge devices. Current lightweight DNNs, achieved by high-dimensional space pre-training and post-compression, present challenges when covering the resources deficit, making tiny artificial intelligence hard to be implemented. Here we report an architecture named random sketch learning, or Rosler, for computationally efficient tiny artificial intelligence. We build a universal compressing-while-training framework that directly learns a compact model and, most importantly, enables computationally efficient on-device learning. As validated on different models and datasets, it attains substantial memory reduction of ~50–90× (16-bits quantization), compared with fully connected DNNs. We demonstrate it on low-cost hardware, whereby the computation is accelerated by >180× and the energy consumption is reduced by ~10×. Our method paves the way for deploying tiny artificial intelligence in many scientific and industrial applications.

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Fig. 1: Rosler directly learns one compact tiny model.
Fig. 2: Computationally efficient model training.
Fig. 3: Test accuracy and computation/storage cost of Rosler.
Fig. 4: On-device federated learning in industrial IoT.
Fig. 5: Hardware demonstration of computationally efficient edge inference/training.

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Data availability

The bearing data (https://csegroups.case.edu/bearingdatacenter), the MNIST data (http://yann.lecun.com/exdb/mnist/), the CIFAR-10 data (https://www.cs.toronto.edu/kriz/cifar.html) and the Cat–dog data (https://www.kaggle.com/c/dogsvs-cats/data) can be all downloaded from the corresponding websites. Source Data for Figs. 2–5 is also available with this manuscript.

Code availability

A Python implementation of Rosler is available in Code Ocean52.


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This work was supported by the Major Scientific Instrument Development Plan of National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) under grant no. 61827901, NSFC under grant no. U1805262, Major Research Plan of NSFC under grant no. 91738301 and Project of Basic Science Center of NSFC under grant no. 62088101.

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B.L. conceived the idea. B.L., P.C. and H.L. designed and implemented the source code. B.L., P.C., H.L., W.G. and X.C. analyzed the data. All the authors together interpreted the findings and wrote the paper. P.C. and H.L. contributed equally.

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Correspondence to Bin Li or Xianbin Cao.

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Peer review information Nature Computational Science thanks Jingtong Hu, Xiaowei Xu and the other, anonymous, reviewer(s) for their contribution to the peer review of this work. Fernando Chirigati was the primary editor on this article and managed its editorial process and peer review in collaboration with the rest of the editorial team.

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Source Data Fig. 2

Raw data of 50 trails.

Source Data Fig. 3

Test accuracy and gain of memory/computation reduction.

Source Data Fig. 4

Test accuracy and gain of memory/computation reduction.

Source Data Fig. 5

Raw data of computation time and power.

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Li, B., Chen, P., Liu, H. et al. Random sketch learning for deep neural networks in edge computing. Nat Comput Sci 1, 221–228 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1038/s43588-021-00039-6

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