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Is there really a Hubble tension?


Published 15 July 2021 © 2021 The Author(s). Published by IOP Publishing Ltd
, , Focus Issue on the Hubble Constant Tension Citation Mohamed Rameez and Subir Sarkar 2021 Class. Quantum Grav. 38 154005 DOI 10.1088/1361-6382/ac0f39



The heliocentric redshifts (zhel) reported for 150 type Ia supernovae in the Pantheon compilation are significantly discrepant from their corresponding values in the JLA compilation. Both catalogues include corrections to the redshifts and magnitudes of the supernovae to account for the motion of the heliocentric frame relative to the 'CMB rest frame', as well as corrections for the directionally coherent bulk motion of local galaxies with respect to this frame. The latter is done employing modelling of peculiar velocities which assume the ΛCDM cosmological model but nevertheless provide evidence for residual bulk flows which are discordant with this model (implying that the observed Universe is in fact anisotropic). Until recently such peculiar velocity corrections in the Pantheon catalogue were made at redshifts exceeding 0.2 although there is no data on which to base such corrections. We study the impact of these vexed issues on the 4.4σ discrepancy between the Hubble constant of H0 = 67.4 ± 0.5 km s−1 Mpc−1 inferred from observations of CMB anisotropies by Planck assuming ΛCDM, and the measurement of H0 = 73.5 ± 1.4 km s−1 Mpc−1 by the SH0ES project which extended the local distance ladder using type Ia supernovae. Using the same methodology as the latter study we find that for supernovae whose redshifts are discrepant between Pantheon and JLA with Δzhel > 0.0025, the Pantheon redshifts favour H0 ≃ 72 km s−1 Mpc−1, while the JLA redshifts favour H0 ≃ 68 km s−1 Mpc−1. Thus the discrepancies between SNe Ia datasets are sufficient to undermine the claimed 'Hubble tension'. We further note the systematic variation of H0 by ∼6–9 km s−1 Mpc−1 across the sky seen in multiple datasets, implying that it cannot be measured locally to better than ∼10% in a model-independent manner.

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1. Introduction

The intrinsic magnitudes of nearby type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) to which distances are known independently are characterised by a large scatter. However by exploiting the empirical (wavelength-dependent) correlation between the intrinsic supernova magnitude and the timescale of the luminosity decline [35], this scatter can be reduced to ∼0.1–0.2 mag, making them 'standardisable candles'. 3 Recently, the magnitude-redshift relation of SNe Ia in the nearby (z < 0.15) Universe has been leveraged with the local Cepheid-calibrated distance ladder to measure the Hubble constant to increasingly high precision [37] in what is claimed to be a model-independent manner. The single largest source of uncertainty in determining H0 is now said to be the mean luminosity of the SNe Ia calibrators [38].

Such measurements have been used to argue [38] that there is a 4.4σ 'Hubble tension' between H0 in the late Universe and its value inferred from the cosmic microwave background (CMB) assuming the standard flat ΛCDM cosmological model [1]. This is said to be robust with respect to choices of independent calibrators [39] so has stimulated an avalanche of explanations, many involving speculative new physics.

Today, publicly available SNe Ia data such as the SDSS-II/SNLS3 joint lightcurve analysis (JLA) [4] as well as the subsequent Pantheon [40] compilations come with observables already 'corrected' to account for the effects of peculiar velocities in the local Universe. However, as we describe in section 2, apart from modifying the magnitudes (redshifts) of low redshift SNe Ia by up to 0.2 mag (∼20%), these corrections appear to be arbitrary, error-prone and discontinuous within the data, while the datasets are discrepant with respect to each other in key observables. In section 3 we show that these discrepancies in heliocentric redshifts between JLA and Pantheon are on their own large enough that a significant 'Hubble tension' cannot be claimed between the late and early Universe determinations of H0. We conclude (section 4) with a discussion of the model dependence of these corrections.

2. Data quality issues

For 58 SNe Ia from SDSS-II [28] that are in common between the JLA and the Pantheon catalogues, the quoted heliocentric redshifts differ by between 5 to 137 times the quoted uncertainty in the redshift measurement. Their data is given in table 1, while their distribution on the sky is shown in figure 1. Many more SNe Ia in common between the catalogues have smaller shifts in their zhel values. The uncertainty on the spectroscopic redshift measurement of the host galaxy is quoted as 0.0001–0.0002 in SDSS DR4, and 0.0005 for redshifts which were measured by the authors themselves [28]. Note that the ${\sigma }_{{z}_{\text{spec}}}$ arising from peculiar velocities mentioned in reference [28] is not a measurement uncertainty but rather the expected dispersion with respect to theoretical predictions. The quoted redshifts cannot have changed unless if they have been remeasured, a process that has not been documented in reference [40]. In fact the JLA zhel values are in exact agreement with other public sources such as VizieR, whereas the Pantheon zhel values are not independently verifiable. While some of these discrepancies may be due to the slight difference between the redshift of the supernova and of its host galaxy [45], no such distinction is made in the disseminated datasets and the covariances provided with the data are certainly not large enough to account for the shifts.

Table 1. Discrepant redshifts in JLA and Pantheon: while the names of the 58 SNe Ia listed below (from SDSS-II) differ by survey-specific prefixes, the fact that they are the same can be verified from their right ascension and declination. The JLA and Pantheon redshifts are taken from, respectively, https://github.com/cmbant/CosmoMC/blob/master/data/jla_lcparams.txt and from https://github.com/dscolnic/Pantheon/blob/master/lcparam_full_long_zhel.txt. The significance of the shifts are calculated assuming the host galaxy redshift measurement uncertainty of σz = 0.0005—however for 34 of these the uncertainty may be 10 times larger (σz = 0.005), being derived from the spectroscopic features of the SNe Ia [28].

Name in JLA zhel|JLA Name in Pantheon zhel|Pantheon zdiff Shift
SDSS128810.23312 8810.237 8380.004 8389.68σ
SDSS129270.17512 9270.189 6380.014 63829.28σ
SDSS130440.12113 0440.125 7350.004 7359.47σ
SDSS131360.36613 1360.371 6270.005 62711.25σ
SDSS131520.20713 1520.203 3110.003 6897.38σ
SDSS133050.20113 3050.214 5570.013 55727.11σ
SDSS137270.22113 7270.226 4020.005 40210.80σ
SDSS137960.14513 7960.148 5180.003 5187.04σ
SDSS142610.28114 2610.285 5170.004 5179.03σ
SDSS143310.21414 3310.220 9050.006 90513.81σ
SDSS143970.37114 3970.386 0840.015 08430.17σ
SDSS144370.14414 4370.149 0980.005 09810.20σ
SDSS144810.25514 4810.243 2490.011 75123.50σ
SDSS150570.29915 0570.246 5860.052 414104.83σ
SDSS152030.21615 2030.204 2180.011 78223.56σ
SDSS152870.27415 2870.237 4190.036 58173.16σ
SDSS153010.24815 3010.17 9630.068 37136.74σ
SDSS153650.17815 3650.187 7330.009 73319.47σ
SDSS153830.31215 3830.315 7910.003 7917.58σ
SDSS154400.25315 4400.262 0510.009 05118.10σ
SDSS154610.1815 4610.185 9540.005 95411.91σ
SDSS157040.36515 7040.370 2750.005 27510.55σ
SDSS158680.24215 8680.250 5160.008 51617.03σ
SDSS158720.20315 8720.206 290.003 296.58σ
SDSS158970.1715 8970.174 6920.004 6929.38σ
SDSS159010.19915 9010.204 5630.005 56311.13σ
SDSS160720.27716 0720.285 5230.008 52317.05σ
SDSS160730.14616 0730.154 5410.008 54117.08σ
SDSS161160.1516 1160.156 3050.006 30512.61σ
SDSS161850.09716 1850.101 2550.004 2558.51σ
SDSS162060.15216 2060.159 540.007 5415.08σ
SDSS162320.36716 2320.375 320.008 3216.64σ
SDSS172200.17217 2200.178 8210.006 82113.64σ
SDSS175520.2517 5520.253 0140.003 0146.03σ
SDSS178090.28217 8090.288 6240.006 62413.25σ
SDSS183250.25518 3250.258 3690.003 3696.74σ
SDSS186020.13518 6020.138 1750.003 1756.35σ
SDSS186170.32218 6170.326 9190.004 9199.84σ
SDSS187210.39318 7210.402 4560.009 45618.91σ
SDSS187400.15718 7400.154 2490.002 7515.50σ

Table 1. (Continued).

SDSS187870.19318 7870.190 0540.002 9465.89σ
SDSS188040.19218 8040.198 2370.006 23712.47σ
SDSS189400.2218 9400.212 1270.007 87315.75σ
SDSS190020.26819 0020.27 0810.002 815.62σ
SDSS190270.29519 0270.29230.00275.4σ
SDSS193410.22819 3410.236 5070.008 50717.01σ
SDSS196320.30819 6320.314 5120.006 51213.02σ
SDSS198180.29319 8180.304 7750.011 77523.55σ
SDSS199530.11919 9530.123 0870.004 0878.17σ
SDSS199900.24619 9900.249 670.003 677.34σ
SDSS200400.28520 0400.287 7130.002 7135.43σ
SDSS200480.18220 0480.185 0960.003 0966.19σ
SDSS200840.13120 0840.139 5570.008 55717.11σ
SDSS202270.28420 2270.276 9580.007 04214.08σ
SDSS203640.21520 3640.218 2490.003 2496.50σ
SDSS210620.14721 0620.138 480.008 5217.04σ
sn1997dg0.03081997dg0.033 960.003 166.32σ
sn2006oa0.06 2552006oa0.059 9310.002 6195.238σ
Figure 1.

Figure 1. The directions of the 58 SNe Ia in table 1 in Galactic coordinates. The directions of the CMB dipole (star), the SMAC bulk flow [24] (triangle), and the 2M++ bulk flow [7] (inverted triangle) are also shown. Note that these SNe Ia with discrepant redshifts (all from SDSS-II) are in the hemisphere opposite to the CMB dipole and bulk flow directions.

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It has been noted that the magnitudes of these SNe Ia are also inconsistent between the two catalogues 4 . These shifts seem to have been introduced on 27 November 2018 when new files were uploaded to purportedly rectify previously reported errors in the peculiar velocity corrections 5 . Such inconsistencies in publicly available SNe Ia data have also been noted earlier with respect to the choice of light curve fitter [2].

The supernova catalogues also provide zcmb, the boosted redshift in the 'CMB rest frame' in which the CMB is supposed to look isotropic, assuming that its dipole asymmetry is entirely due to our motion with respect to this frame, and further corrected using a model of the local peculiar (non-Hubble) velocity field to account for the motion of the SNe Ia with respect to this frame 6 . The inconsistencies in the peculiar velocity corrections made in the JLA catalogue have been discussed elsewhere [11], in particular that while relying on the flow model [24], the corrections applied extend well beyond the extent of the survey (z ∼ 0.04) on which this model is based, and moreover abruptly fall to zero at z ∼ 0.06, even though the same model [24] reports a residual bulk velocity of 687 ± 203 km s−1 beyond z ∼ 0.04 — which is over 4 times larger than the uncorrelated velocity dispersion of z = 150 km s−1 included in the JLA error budget for cosmological fits. (There are other inconsistencies as well, e.g. SDSS2308 has the same zcmb and zhel despite being at a redshift of 0.14.)

Significantly more egregious errors are seen in the first version of the Pantheon compilation on Github [41] wherein peculiar velocity corrections were used to modify the redshifts of SNe Ia all the way up to z ≳ 0.2 although no survey has yet gone to such depths so the information required to make such corrections is simply not available. An illustrative example is SN2246, with zcmb = 0.19422 which has been corrected by a peculiar velocity of 444.3 km s−1. This object is 117° away from the CMB dipole, and 115° away from the direction of the external bulk flow reported by reference [7].

This issue is now said [41] to have been fixed by not making any peculiar velocity corrections for z > 0.08 in Pantheon. However the impact of this major change on the determination of H0 or other cosmological parameters [40] has not been documented. In reference [37] the sample of SNe Ia is limited to 0.023 < z < 0.15 in order not to be affected by the coherent flow in the local volume, but these authors too account for such flows using the same model [7].

Peculiar velocities affect the distance modulus by (5/log 10)(v/cz) mag. Thus the peculiar velocity corrections shift the distance moduli of SNe Ia at redshifts smaller than the extent of the flow model by between 0.03 and 0.4 mag. Neither of the models used for correcting the supernova observables in JLA or Pantheon — respectively references [24] and [7] — report convergence between the correlated flow and the 'CMB rest frame'. Instead reference [7] provides definitive (>5σ) evidence for a residual bulk flow of Vext = 159 ± 23 km s−1 originating from sources beyond the extent (z = 0.067) of the model. This means that by choosing to make corrections up to the extent of the flow model and leaving the rest uncorrected, abrupt and arbitrary discontinuities of ∼0.07 (∼0.03) mag are introduced in the distance moduli of JLA (Pantheon) supernovae at these threshold redshifts. These discontinuities which introduce bias, are handled by adding just a variance term in the error budgets of the SNe Ia catalogues. We wish to draw attention to the following problematic issues in this regard:

  • The modified data now encode a picture of the Universe in which a sphere of radius 170, 285 or 340 Mpc (depending upon whether the flow model is taken to extend to z = 0.04, 0.067 or 0.08) is smashing into the rest of the Universe — which is arbitrarily treated as at rest.
  • Out of the 740 (1048) SNe Ia that make up JLA (Pantheon) catalogue, 632 (890) (including all the objects in table 1) are in the direction opposite to bulk flow reported in references [24] and [7].
  • Corrections for peculiar velocities were introduced in supernova cosmology in 2011 [12] after low-to-intermediate redshift supernovae were first observed [28]. These are all in the hemisphere opposite to the CMB dipole (see figure 1). It is this set of SDSS-II SNe Ia, which crucially fill in the 'redshift desert' between low and high redshift objects, that are now alarmingly discrepant between JLA and Pantheon.

3. The impact on the 'Hubble tension'

Errors in redshift measurements as small as Δz ∼ 0.0001 can have significant impact on the value of inferred cosmological parameters such as H0 [14]. Since some of the shifts in zhel reported in table 1 are as high as 0.1, we study the impact of these shifts on the measured value of the Hubble constant. Following reference [37], the distance modulus is

Equation (1)

where D is the luminosity distance in Mpc, given in the cosmographic Taylor expansion (which is accurate to better than 7% for z < 1.3 [11] as in the JLA catalogue) by:

Equation (2)

For each SNe Ia, the observational distance modulus is constructed as the difference in magnitudes of an apparent and absolute flux, μobs = mM, where m is corrected for the specific light curve shape and colour by adding to it: αx1βc. Here α and β are parameters assumed to be constants for all SNe Ia, while x1, c and m are provided separately for each SNe Ia from the SALT2 template fit [4]. We then employ the standard 'χ2 statistic'

Equation (3)

Here σμi is the uncertainty for the ith SNe Ia provided with the catalogue, while ${\sigma }_{\mu }^{\text{int}}$ is the (unknown) intrinsic scatter.

Following reference [37], we set the deceleration parameter q0 = −0.55, the jerk parameter j0 = 1 and the curvature parameter Ωk = 0 in the scans. While precise measurements of H0 require the calibration of the absolute supernova luminosity M using a local distance ladder, we fix M to −19.10 [37] with the specific aim of studying the impact of redshift errors on H0 since none of the 19 SNe Ia with Cepheid calibrations for the host galaxies reported in reference [37] are included in either the JLA or Pantheon compilations. This choice affects only the absolute value of H0, and not the relative shift introduced by the choice of redshift. We use the Emcee code [19] to perform a Markov Chain Monte Carlo scan in likelihood over the parameter space of H0, α, β and σint (the intrinsic dispersion), all with flat priors. The observed shift in H0 is found to be robust with respect to alternative parametrisations of the likelihood which are provided in a Jupyter notebook [36]. Out of the 58 SNe Ia listed in table 1, 45 have zPantheonzJLA > 0.0025, while 13 have zPantheonzJLA < −0.0025. Figure 2 (top panel) shows that for supernovae with Δz > 0.0025, the Pantheon redshifts favour H0 ∼ 72 km s−1 Mpc−1, while the JLA redshifts favour H0 ∼ 68 km s−1 Mpc−1. If we change the criterion to an absolute difference |Δz| > 0.0025, figure 2 (bottom panel) shows that the Pantheon redshifts now favour H0 ∼ 71 km s−1 Mpc−1, while the JLA redshifts favour H0 ∼ 69 km s−1 Mpc−1. If all 117 SNe in JLA with 0.023 < zCMB < 0.15, which are also in Pantheon, are used in the scans, as shown in figure 3 (left panel), the redshift discrepancies average out to give consistent values of H0 as long as the JLA magnitudes are employed — nevertheless the magnitude discrepancies between the two catalogues are large enough to shift H0 by 10% or more. Indeed figure 3 (right panel) shows that the 178 JLA SNe Ia in the relevant redshift range indicate a low H0 compared to the 237 SNe in the Pantheon compilation in the same redshift range. The magnitudes of the SNe in both JLA [4] and Pantheon [40] were also corrected for bias assuming the ΛCDM model. The JLA catalogue provides sufficient detail to enable these corrections to be reversed. For the 117 SNe in JLA with 0.023 < zCMB < 0.15, which are also in Pantheon, the impact of these corrections on the inferred value of H0 is <2% as shown in figure 3 (left panel).

Figure 2.

Figure 2. Top left: posteriors on H0 from the SDSS-II SNe Ia in JLA which have zPantheonzJLA > 0.0025, using JLA redshifts (blue) and Pantheon redshifts (pink). Since the Pantheon magnitudes are also discrepant from JLA [41], the posterior using both Pantheon redshifts and magnitudes are also shown (in green). The vertical grey band shows the CMB determination [1]. Top right: the same with zPantheonzJLA > 0.0005. The bottom panel shows the same but for |zJLAzPantheon| > 0.0025 (left) and |zJLAzPantheon| > 0.0005 (right), thus illustrating that the discrepancy persists regardless of whether the quoted JLA or Pantheon redshift is larger.

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Figure 3.

Figure 3. Left: posteriors on H0 from the 117 SNe Ia in JLA with 0.023 < zCMB < 0.15 which are also included in Pantheon, using JLA redshifts (blue) and Pantheon redshifts (pink). Removing the magnitude bias corrections in JLA makes <2% difference (ochre). The posterior using both Pantheon redshifts and magnitudes are also shown (in green). The vertical grey band shows the CMB determination [1]. Right: the same for the 178 SNe in JLA and 237 SNe in Pantheon in the same redshift range, using redshifts and magnitudes from the corresponding catalogues.

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Reference [38] finds H0 = 74.03 ± 1.42 km s−1 Mpc−1 and emphasises the difference from H0 ∼ 67.4 ± 0.5 km s−1 Mpc−1 inferred from Planck data on CMB anisotropies assuming flat ΛCDM [1]. However this ignores the various inconsistencies we have pointed out above, so it cannot be claimed [37, 38] that this 'Hubble tension' is significant.

4. Discussion

In general relativity, metric expansion in the late-time Universe is an average effect, arising from the coarse-graining of physics at smaller scales [6]. This differs from the metric expansion in the FLRW solution to the field equations, wherein due to the isotropy and homogeneity imposed on the stress–energy tensor, all clocks remain synchronised and space expands isotropically and homogeneously, described by a single scale factor. However the observed inhomogenous Universe can only be approximately described by an FLRW metric. Fitting a Hubble diagram of observables not corrected for peculiar velocities, as was done in supernova cosmology analyses until 2011, and employing peculiar velocity corrections after transforming to the CMB frame, as was done subsequently [12], simply amounts to different choices of corresponding two-spheres within the 'null fitting' procedure described in reference [18]. Whether the dynamical evolution of the representative FLRW model can be precisely related to the average evolution of the inhomogeneous Universe is contingent on the resolution of a number of open questions [8].

Motivated by such considerations it has been argued that peculiar velocities should rather be thought of as variations in the expansion rate of the Universe [30] (see also references [46, 48]). Assuming the CMB dipole arises due to our motion with respect to a frame in which the Universe is isotropic, all matter in the local Universe seems to be flowing in a similar direction [7], however convergence of this flow to the hypothetical CMB rest frame has not been found [10]. This adds additional credence to the possibility that the CMB dipole is not purely kinematic [42, 43]. The Universe we observe appears to be anisotropic, and lacking an observationally consistent standard of rest.

A statistically significant variation of ∼9 km s−1 Mpc−1 across the sky was found in the Hubble constant measured in the Hubble key project [30]. Recently a similar anisotropy has been seen using ROSAT and Chandra data on x-ray clusters [31, 32]. Such a systematic variation of H0 across the sky is as expected according to a cosmographic Taylor series expansion of the luminosity distance for a Universe without exact symmetries [23]. This study finds that the monopole of the generalised Hubble parameter Θ/3 is modified by a quadrupolar contribution (90° separation between poles) eμ  eν σμν from the shear tensor of the observer congruence σμν describing the anisotropic expansion of space [23]. It appears therefore that H0 cannot be measured in a model-independent manner in the locally inhomogeneous and anisotropic Universe to a precision better than ∼10%.

To gain apparently better precision, reference [38] follows reference [37] who employed peculiar velocity corrections based on the flow model [7], presumably as was also done for Pantheon [40]. However reference [7] infers the velocity field from the density field using linear perturbation theory around an assumed FLRW background. These measurements cannot thus be said to be model-independent. Data thus 'corrected' have then been used to insist that the Hubble expansion is indeed isotropic [44] and also to argue that local structure has no impact on the measurement of the Hubble constant [27].

While other astronomical probes e.g. strong gravitational lensing are said to provide independent evidence for the 'Hubble tension', there appears to be a similar directional dependence to the ∼15% relative variation in the value of H0 derived from the six lenses [47]. However systematic uncertainties in these measurements may have been underestimated [5, 16].

Within the concordance ΛCDM model, the effect of inhomogeneities is studied by linearising the field equations around a maximally symmetric solution (see reference [9]). Further making restricted 'gauge' choices [3] motivated by the idea that the Universe began with only scalar density perturbations left over from inflation, the usual perturbed FLRW framework is arrived at. However, as emphasised in reference [3] this eliminates known physical phenomena, and solutions to the linearized field equations can only be linearisations of the solutions to the fully nonlinear equations [15, 33]. From a general relativity perspective there is in fact locally inhomogeneous expansion beyond that expected in linear perturbation theory around a maximally symmetric background [21]. Studies of the impact of peculiar velocities [13, 25, 34] using Newtonian N-body simulations cannot capture such physics. A recent numerical relativity simulation [29] suggests significantly larger deviations from an isotropic Hubble law in the late Universe.

It has been argued that systematic calibration offsets within the distance ladder can account for the 'Hubble tension' [17, 22]. In fact the discrepancy we have established between the determinations of H0 using the JLA and Pantheon catalogues is equivalent to the 'systematic bias of 0.1–0.15 mag in the intercept of the Cepheid period-luminosity relations of SH0ES galaxies' [17]. Indeed independent calibrations of SNe Ia [20] prefer lower values of H0 which are consistent with the early Universe. We emphasise that any measurement with a claimed uncertainty smaller than that of reference [30] must be scrutinised for its understanding of, and correction for, peculiar velocities. It is clear that the corrections that have been applied so far are rather arbitrary. The fact that even the observed (uncorrected) heliocentric redshifts undergo unexplained changes from one catalogue (JLA) to another (Pantheon) thus inducing significant variations in the inferred value of H0, undermines the 'precision cosmology' programme. This calls for the blinded testing of the isotropy of the Hubble diagram with forthcoming data from e.g. the Legacy Survey of Space and Time to be conducted at the Vera C. Rubin Observatory (https://lsst.org/).


We thank the anonymous referees for helpful comments and suggestions which have led to improvement of our paper.

Data availability statement

The data that support the findings of this study are openly available at the following URL/DOI: https://github.com/rameez3333/SN1aDataandH0.


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