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An Audio-Video Multipath Streaming Scheme with Media Synchronization Control: Application-Level QoS Assessment in a Wireless Ad Hoc Network
IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Communications
pp.3623-3634 Publication Date: 2005/09/01 Online ISSN:
DOI: 10.1093/ietcom/e88-b.9.3623 Print ISSN: 0916-8516 Type of Manuscript: Special Section PAPER (Special Section on Advances in Ad Hoc Mobile Communications and Networking) Category: Keyword: wireless ad hoc network, audio-video streaming, multipath routing, media synchronization, mutually compensatory property, QoS,
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This paper proposes the MultiPath streaming scheme with Media Synchronization control (MPMS) for audio-video transmission in wireless ad hoc networks. In many audio-video streaming applications, media compensate each other from a perceptual point of view. On the basis of this property, we treat the two streams as separate transport streams, and then the source transmits them into two different routes if multiple routes to the destination are available. The multipath transmission disturbs the temporal structure of the streams; in MPMS, the disturbance is remedied by media synchronization control. In order to implement MPMS in this paper, we enhance the existing Dynamic Source Routing (DSR) protocol. We compare the application-level QoS of MPMS and three other schemes for audio-video transmission by simulation with ns-2. In the simulation, we also assess the influence of the multipath transmission on other traffic. The simulation result shows that MPMS is effective in achieving high QoS at the application-level.