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  • Rapid Communication

Unexpected magnetic phase in the weakly ordered spin-12 chain cuprate Sr2CuO3

E. G. Sergeicheva, S. S. Sosin, D. I. Gorbunov, S. Zherlitsyn, G. D. Gu, and I. A. Zaliznyak
Phys. Rev. B 101, 201107(R) – Published 15 May 2020


The magnetic phase diagram of a spin-12 chain antiferromagnet Sr2CuO3 is studied by an ultrasound phase-sensitive detection technique. The system is in the extreme proximity of the Luttinger-liquid quantum-critical point and we observe an unusually strong effect of magnetic field, which is very weak compared to the in-chain interaction, on the Néel ordering temperature. Inside the ordered phase, we detect an unexpected, field-induced continuous phase transition. The transition is accompanied by softening of magnetic excitation observed by electron-spin resonance, which in previous work [E. G. Sergeicheva et al., Phys. Rev. B 95, 020411(R) (2017)] was associated with a longitudinal (amplitude) mode of the order parameter. These results suggest a transition from a transverse collinear antiferromagnet to an amplitude-modulated spin-density-wave phase in a very weak magnetic field, which is unexpected for a system of weakly coupled Heisenberg spin-12 chains.

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  • Received 17 November 2019
  • Accepted 23 April 2020


©2020 American Physical Society

Physics Subject Headings (PhySH)

Condensed Matter, Materials & Applied Physics

Authors & Affiliations

E. G. Sergeicheva1,2, S. S. Sosin1,3,*, D. I. Gorbunov4, S. Zherlitsyn4, G. D. Gu5, and I. A. Zaliznyak5,†

  • 1P. L. Kapitza Institute for Physical Problems, 117334 Moscow, Russia
  • 2Low Temperature Laboratory, Department of Applied Physics, Aalto University, P.O. Box 15100, FI-00076 Aalto, Finland
  • 3National Research University Higher School of Economics, 101000 Moscow, Russia
  • 4Hochfeld-Magnetlabor Dresden (HLD-EMFL), Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, 01328 Dresden, Germany
  • 5CMPMSD, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, New York 11973, USA

  • *sosin@kapitza.ras.ru
  • zaliznyak@bnl.gov

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Vol. 101, Iss. 20 — 15 May 2020

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  • Figure 1
    Figure 1

    The temperature dependence of the relative change of sound velocity and sound attenuation of Sr2CuO3 measured at several values of external magnetic field [(a), (b)], and their isothermal magnetic field dependence measured at various temperatures [(c), (d)]. Curves, from top to bottom, are vertically shifted for clarity. The magnetic field is applied along the c axis, and magnetic ordering and field-induced transitions are marked by down () and up () arrows, respectively.

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  • Figure 2
    Figure 2

    The relative change of sound velocity and sound attenuation measured vs temperature at several values of external magnetic field [(a), (b)], and vs magnetic field at various temperatures [(c), (d)]. Curves, from top to bottom, are vertically shifted for clarity. The magnetic field is applied along the b axis, and magnetic ordering and field-induced transitions are marked by down () and up () arrows, respectively.

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  • Figure 3
    Figure 3

    The magnetic phase diagram of Sr2CuO3 obtained from ultrasound measurements at Hb (left panel) and Hc (right panel). Open and solid symbols represent features observed in field and temperature scans, respectively, and error bars represent both the widths and systematic uncertainties in determining the positions of the corresponding features. Lines are shown as a guide for the eye; different magnetic phases are distinguished by colors. Arrows indicate the magnetic field and magnetic moment directions in the a,b,c crystallographic coordinate system shown in the left panel.

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  • Figure 4
    Figure 4

    High-field part of the frequency-field diagram of the magnetic resonance spectrum in the ordered phase of Sr2CuO3 measured at T=1.5K for Hc; symbols are experimental points including data from Ref. [7]; the solid line is a fit to the equation hν=(hδ)2+(geffμB)2(HHc)2 with the critical field μ0Hc=9.45T (marked by arrow) and the residual gap δ=13GHz. The dashed line corresponds to a critical-type linear dependence with δ=0. The lower panel shows the lowest-temperature curves for Δv/v and Δα from Figs. 1 and 1(d); the anomalies at Hc are pointed out by arrows and their width is shown by a horizontal bar.

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