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Imaging topologically protected transport with quantum degenerate gases

Brian Dellabetta, Taylor L. Hughes, Matthew J. Gilbert, and Benjamin L. Lev
Phys. Rev. B 85, 205442 – Published 24 May 2012


Ultracold and quantum degenerate gases held near conductive surfaces can serve as sensitive, high-resolution, and wide-area probes of electronic current flow. Previous work has imaged transport around grain boundaries in a gold wire by using ultracold and Bose-Einstein condensed atoms held microns from the surface with an atom-chip trap. We show that atom-chip microscopy may be applied to useful purpose in the context of materials exhibiting topologically protected surface transport. Current flow through lithographically tailored surface defects in topological insulators (TI), both idealized and with the band structure and conductivity typical of Bi2Se3, is numerically calculated. We propose that imaging current flow patterns enables the differentiation of an ideal TI from one with a finite bulk-to-surface conductivity ratio, and specifically, that the determination of this ratio may be possible by imaging transport around trenches etched into the TI’s surface.

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  • Received 31 January 2012


©2012 American Physical Society

Authors & Affiliations

Brian Dellabetta1,2, Taylor L. Hughes3, Matthew J. Gilbert1,2, and Benjamin L. Lev4

  • 1Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois 61801, USA
  • 2Micro and Nanotechnology Laboratory, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois 61801, USA
  • 3Department of Physics, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois 61801, USA
  • 4Departments of Applied Physics and Physics and Ginzton Laboratory, Stanford University, Stanford, California 94305, USA

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Vol. 85, Iss. 20 — 15 May 2012

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  • Figure 1
    Figure 1
    Atom-chip trapping principle (Refs. 34, 35, 36). A cylindrically symmetric quadrupole magnetic field is created by superimposing a weak, homogeneous bias field Bbias with that from a wire with current I. Weak-field seeking atoms, i.e., atoms in a Zeeman state whose energy increases for increasing magnetic field magnitude, are trapped in a small region around the zero of the magnetic quadrupole field. If the microwire is attached to a surface via standard photolithography, then the trap may be brought to an arbitrarily close distance rI/Bbias from the surface by adjusting the ratio of I to Bbias. (Surface potentials limit r>200 nm.) Trapped atoms may be translated perpendicular to the axis of the wire by rotating with an offset field Boffset the angle that Bbias subtends with the substrate surface, thus enabling the precise positioning of atoms above adjacent materials.Reuse & Permissions
  • Figure 2
    Figure 2
    Atom-chip microscopy principle (Refs. 31 and 32). (a) A Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC, shown in red) is confined above the atom chip by the Z trap formed by the fields from the Z-shaped microwire (orange) and Bbias produced by an external (not shown) Helmholtz coil pair, the axis of which is aligned with x̂. Adjusting current I in the trapping wire and Bbias controls, with submicron precision, the position of the BEC above the surface of the substrate. (b) Current running through the sample wire may not flow parallel to the wire's axis due to scattering centers (exaggerated in figure), which result in 1-ppm variations of the magnetic field above the sample (Ref. 33). This inhomogeneous field deforms the trap, imprinting density modulations onto the otherwise smooth, cigar-shaped BEC cloud. The absorption of a near-infrared laser casts a shadow onto a CCD camera, providing μm-scale resolution of density perturbations in the submicron-wide, 1-mm-long cloud (Ref. 37). The BEC can be recreated and repositioned every few seconds, thus in a few minutes providing a wide-area map of the inhomogeneous current flow. (c) To image transport in a TI, the atoms can be cantilevered over the sample, and held away from the Z wire, by rotating Bbias in the xz plane using Boffset. The TI sample (shown in blue) may be mounted on the cryogenically cooled atom chip.Reuse & Permissions
  • Figure 3
    Figure 3
    Schematic of device under consideration. Contacts induce a longitudinal current across the channel, which is backgated to be within the bulk gap for the case of Bi2Se3. The density of a BEC held in a cigar-shaped atom-chip magnetic microtrap is distorted depending on the direction of current flow underneath. The atom chip supports a Z-shaped gold wire that, with current Idc and homogeneous bias magnetic field Bbias along x̂, creates a magnetic trap above the substrates (see Sec. 2). A ẑ-oriented magnetic field Boffset allows the BEC to be shifted laterally in the x̂ direction. h is the height of the BEC above the material.Reuse & Permissions
  • Figure 4
    Figure 4
    Current profile, where red/bright (blue/dark) denote high (low) current density in (a) and (d) undoped Bi2Se3; (b) and (e) doped Bi2Se3; and (c) and (f) metal thin films. Positions of contact leads shown as gold rectangles in (a) and (d); leads in the other panels not shown. (a) Current is closely tied to within 3 nm of the top and bottom surfaces of the undoped TI Bi2Se3. (b) Doping by raising the chemical potential to 0.2 eV opens a parallel bulk conducting path as carriers reach the CB. Backscattering in the CB marginally decreases total current by a few percent. The structure in the current density is due to finite simulation size effects. (c) Carriers in the metal immediately diffuse and flow through the bulk of the channel. The current profile of the metal is normalized so that total contact current is equivalent to the undoped Bi2Se3 profile. (d)–(f) Current flow around two trenches in the top surface of the material. Trenches in these plots are 1 nm wide, 5 nm deep, and separated by 7 nm. (d) Current hugs the upper surface contour in the undoped Bi2Se3 sample, but (e) fails to do so in the doped Bi2Se3. (f) As in the doped TI, the trenches in a metal serve to spatially low-pass filter the ẑ current modulation seen in the undoped TI. Atom-chip microscopy can image depth of the current flow between the trenches, thus providing a measure of surface-to-bulk conductivity.Reuse & Permissions
  • Figure 5
    Figure 5
    Current flow around trenches in the material differs depending on whether the material is an ideal TI, a metal, or a TI with nonzero bulk conductivity like Bi2Se3. (a) Raster-scan method for observing the field along x̂. BECs are sequentially created and imaged at positions along x̂ to form the field profile in panel (c). (b) Single-shot detection method in which a single BEC can image the field profile in panel (d). (c) Field By from the raster-scan method depicted in panel (a) is plotted 2 μm from surface. The Bi2Se3 sample is 150 μm long and 10 μm wide. The two trenches are 30 μm wide and 5 μm deep and are separated by d=30 μm. (d) Field By from the single-shot method depicted in panel (b) and plotted 2 μm from surface. The Bi2Se3 sample is 500 μm long and 500 μm wide. The two trenches along x̂ are 100 μm wide and 5 μm deep and are separated by 30 μm. The two trenches along ŷ are w=100 μm wide, 20 μm long, and separated by L=100 μm. Panels (c) and (d) show the magnetic field response for a system with surface-to-bulk current ratio of 100% (green line), 50% (dashed-dotted light blue line), and 0% (dashed dark blue line). The magnetic fields are equivalent away from the midpoint between the trenches, while the magnetic field for the system with a 50% or 0% current ratio is less than for a 100% ratio. The magnetic field response follows this behavior for all current ratios, smoothly and monotonically decreasing as a function of doping level until the Fermi level reaches the conduction or valence bands.Reuse & Permissions
  • Figure 6
    Figure 6
    Transverse ŷ component of the dc magnetic field By produced by longitudinal transport of surface current density 5 μA/nm though the material with two trenches as in Fig. 3. Field is shown for undoped (green line) and doped (dashed-dotted light blue line) Bi2Se3 and the metal model (dashed dark blue line). The magnetic field is calculated z=1 nm from the top surface, neglecting surface currents along the left and right sides of the system, and is plotted along the length of the material. The surface current between the trenches in the undoped system creates a signature of topological current flow with an observable change in By that is directly related to doping strength. Field magnitudes decrease in the doped system as total current is mitigated by conduction-band backscattering.Reuse & Permissions
  • Figure 7
    Figure 7
    (a) Plot of the surface current ratio between the trenches relative to the ideal surface current as a function of bulk doping strength for Bi2Se3. The highest energy carriers reach the first CB as soon as doping deviates from zero, causing a linear decay as more injected carriers have access to bulk states. The highest energy carriers have access to the second CB at a doping strength |0.1| eV, and as a result, surface current exhibits. (b) Plot of the Bi2Se3 band structure used for the simulation in panel (a).Reuse & Permissions
  • Figure 8
    Figure 8
    Plot of angle dependence as electrons flow from left to right around a circular impurity in the metal model. Carriers flow around the single impurity primarily at 45 angles, diffusing back to a uniform longitudinal current profile afterward.Reuse & Permissions
  • Figure 9
    Figure 9
    (a) Plot of the ratio of surface current between the trenches relative to an idealized surface current as a function of bulk doping strength for an idealized TI. The highest energy injected carriers begin to reach the CB minimum at doping strengths around ±0.5 eV. (b) Plot of the idealized TI band structure used for the simulation in panel (a).Reuse & Permissions
  • Figure 10
    Figure 10
    Same as Fig. 9, but with particle-hole asymmetry.Reuse & Permissions

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