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Optical study of superconducting Pr2CuOx with x4

G. Chanda, R. P. S. M. Lobo, E. Schachinger, J. Wosnitza, M. Naito, and A. V. Pronin
Phys. Rev. B 90, 024503 – Published 8 July 2014


Superconducting Pr2CuOx,x4 (PCO), films with T structure and a Tc of 27 K have been investigated by various optical methods in a wide frequency (7–55 000cm1) and temperature (2–300 K) range. The optical spectra do not reveal any indication of a normal-state gap formation. A Drude-like peak centered at zero frequency dominates the optical conductivity below 150 K. At higher temperatures, it shifts to finite frequencies. The detailed analysis of the low-frequency conductivity reveals that the Drude peak and a far-infrared (FIR) peak centered at about 300cm1 persist at all temperatures. The FIR-peak spectral weight is found to grow at the expense of the Drude spectral weight with increasing temperature. The temperature dependence of the penetration depth follows a behavior typical for d-wave superconductors. The absolute value of the penetration depth for zero temperature is 1.6μm, indicating a rather low density of the superconducting condensate.

    • Received 27 January 2014
    • Revised 17 June 2014


    ©2014 American Physical Society

    Authors & Affiliations

    G. Chanda1,2, R. P. S. M. Lobo3,4,5, E. Schachinger6, J. Wosnitza1,2, M. Naito7, and A. V. Pronin1,*

    • 1Dresden High Magnetic Field Laboratory (HLD), Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, 01314 Dresden, Germany
    • 2Institut für Festkörperphysik, Technische Universität Dresden, 01062 Dresden, Germany
    • 3LPEM, PSL Research University, ESPCI ParisTech, 10 rue Vauquelin, 75231 Paris Cedex 5, France
    • 4CNRS, UMR8213, Paris, France
    • 5Sorbonne Universités, UPMC Université de Paris 6, 75005 Paris, France
    • 6Institute of Theoretical and Computational Physics, NAWI Graz, Graz University of Technology, A-8010 Graz, Austria
    • 7Department of Applied Physics, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Naka-cho 2-24-16, Koganei, Tokyo 184-8588, Japan

    • *artem.pronin@yahoo.com

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    Vol. 90, Iss. 2 — 1 July 2014

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    • Figure 1

      Temperature dependence of the in-plane dc resistivity ρdc of a MBE-grown T-PCO film [open (black) circles] together with fits (lines) discussed in Sec. 3. Schematic diagrams of the T and T structures are shown as an inset.

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    • Figure 2

      Reflectivity of the PCO thin film on a DyScO3 substrate as a function of frequency at various temperatures listed in the legend. The E vector of the probing radiation lies in the ab plane of the film (and parallel to the [001] axis of the substrate). The inset shows the reflectivity of the bare substrate at 4 K.

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    • Figure 3

      Examples of raw (i.e., not normalized to the empty-channel measurements) phase-sensitive transmission measurements at 8.3 cm1. Power transmission Tr (top panel) and phase shift (middle panel) of the wave passed through the PCO film on the DyScO3 substrate are shown as a function of temperature together with a close-up of the dc resistivity measurements around the superconducting transition (bottom panel). The dc resistivity measurements were performed twice: on the fresh film [solid (red) symbols] and after completion of all optical measurements [open (blue) symbols]. The thin vertical line indicates Tc.

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    • Figure 4

      Real part of the optical conductivity of PCO as a function of frequency for various temperatures listed in the legend. Dots on the left-hand axis of the main panel represent the dc-conductivity values.

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    • Figure 5

      Decomposition of the real part of the optical conductivity, σ1(ω), at 30 K (left-hand panel) and 300 K (right-hand panel). Inset: Frequency dependence of the spectral weight of PCO as a function of the cutoff frequency ωc for various temperatures quoted in the inset's legend.

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    • Figure 6

      Temperature dependence of the spectral weight: of the Drude term (a), the FIR band (b), the sum of the two (c), and the MIR band (d) following the decomposition according to Fig. 5.

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    • Figure 7

      Panel (a): The experimental optical scattering rate in PCO for various temperatures listed in the legend. Panel (b): The experimental τop1(ω) for T=30K [solid (red) curve] and the Eliashberg-theory result [dashed (black) curve] with an impurity parameter t+=15meV; see text. Inset in the panel: The electron-boson spectral density, I2χ(ω), at 30K as a result of a straightforward inversion of the experimental τop1(ω).

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    • Figure 8

      Panel (a): Superfluid density, Ns(T)=λL2(0)/λL2(T), as a function of temperature. Panel (b): Low-temperature variation of the normalized London penetration depth, [λL(T)λL(0)]/λL(0), as a function of temperature squared. Data derived from the millimeter-wave conductivity measurements at 7cm1 and 8.3cm1 are presented by solid (red) circles and solid (blue) triangles, respectively. Panel (a) contains for comparison the temperature dependence Ns(T)=1(T/Tc)2 [thin dashed (purple) line] which is expected for a nodal superconductor and Ns=1(T/Tc)4 [thin dashed-dotted (olive) line] for a fully gapped superconductor. In panel (b) a quadratic power law of the reduced penetration depth is indicated by a thin solid (black) line. Inset: A universal relation between the zero-temperature superfluid density, Ns0, and the product of normal-state dc conductivity and Tc, as found in Ref. [52] [straight solid (blue) line], reported “error bars” of this relation [straight dashed (blue) lines], and the data obtained for three PCO films investigated in this study and in Ref. [51] [bold (red) circles]. The error bars are shown for the least accurate data.

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    • Figure 9

      Temperature dependence of the restricted normalized spectral weight (RSW) with the integration boundaries [see Eq. (6)] indicated in the legend.

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