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Inclusive jet and hadron suppression in a multistage approach

A. Kumar et al. (JETSCAPE Collaboration)
Phys. Rev. C 107, 034911 – Published 16 March 2023


We present a new study of jet interactions in the quark-gluon plasma created in high-energy heavy-ion collisions, using a multistage event generator within the jetscape framework. We focus on medium-induced modifications in the rate of inclusive jets and high transverse momentum (high-pT) hadrons. Scattering-induced jet energy loss is calculated in two stages: a high virtuality stage based on the matter model, in which scattering of highly virtual partons modifies the vacuum radiation pattern, and a second stage at lower jet virtuality based on the lbt model, in which leading partons gain and lose virtuality by scattering and radiation. Coherence effects that reduce the medium-induced emission rate in the matter phase are also included. The trento model is used for initial conditions, and the (2+1)dimensional vishnu model is used for viscous hydrodynamic evolution. Jet interactions with the medium are modeled via 2-to-2 scattering with Debye screened potentials, in which the recoiling partons are tracked, hadronized, and included in the jet clustering. Holes left in the medium are also tracked and subtracted to conserve transverse momentum. Calculations of the nuclear modification factor (RAA) for inclusive jets and high-pT hadrons are compared to experimental measurements at the BNL Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) and the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC). Within this framework, we find that with one extra parameter which codifies the transition between stages of jet modification—along with the typical parameters such as the coupling in the medium, the start and stop criteria, etc.—we can describe these data at all energies for central and semicentral collisions without a rescaling of the jet transport coefficient q̂.

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  • Received 14 April 2022
  • Accepted 22 February 2023


Published by the American Physical Society under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license. Further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the published article's title, journal citation, and DOI. Funded by SCOAP3.

Published by the American Physical Society

Physics Subject Headings (PhySH)

Nuclear Physics

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Vol. 107, Iss. 3 — March 2023

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  • Figure 1
    Figure 1

    Plot of q̂/T3 of Type 2 and q̂f(Q2)/T3 (multiplied by the coherence factor) of Type 3 for a light quark as a function of virtuality scale Q2. Here, q̂ is evaluated by the traditional HTL based formulation at two different energies of the quark traversing a QGP medium at temperature T=400 MeV, αsfix=0.3, and the switching virtuality is set to Qsw=2 GeV.

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  • Figure 2
    Figure 2

    Differential cross section of inclusive jets with cone size R=0.4 at midrapidity in p+p collisions, at s=5.02 TeV, calculated with jetscape. The result for jet rapidity |yjet|<0.3 (solid red line; scaled up by 103) is compared to ATLAS data [114] (red circles). The result for |yjet|<2.8 (dashed blue line; scaled up by 102) is compared to ATLAS data [114] (blue squares). The result for jet pseudorapidity |ηjet|<0.3 with a leading track requirement pTlead,ch>7GeV (dotted black line) is compared to ALICE data [115] (black triangles). The shaded boxes indicate the systematic uncertainties of the experimental data.

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  • Figure 3
    Figure 3

    Ratio of differential cross section for inclusive jets with cone size R=0.4 at midrapidity in p+p collisions at s=5.02 TeV. The ratio is taken with respect to the default pythia 8 MC. The solid red lines and dashed blue lines show the results from jetscape and pythia 8, respectively. Statistical errors (black error bars) and systematic uncertainties (grey bands) are plotted with the experimental data. Top panel: Results for |yjet|<0.3, compared to ATLAS data [114]. Middle panel: Results for |yjet|<2.8, compared to ATLAS data [114]. Bottom panel: Results for |ηjet|<0.3 with pTlead,ch>7GeV, compared to ALICE data [115].

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  • Figure 4
    Figure 4

    Same as Fig. 3 for different collision energies. Top panel: Jets with |ηjet|<2.0 at s=2.76 TeV, compared to CMS data [116]. Bottom panel: Jets with R=0.6 and |ηjet|<1.0 at s=200 GeV, compared with the STAR data [117]. Additionally, we show STAR measurements for inclusive jets based on the midpoint-cone algorithm with R=0.4 [123].

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  • Figure 5
    Figure 5

    Ratio of differential cross sections for inclusive charged particles at midrapidity in p+p collisions. The ratio is taken with respect to the default pythia 8. The solid red lines and dashed blue lines show the results from jetscape and pythia 8, respectively. Statistical errors (black error bars) and systematic uncertainties (grey bands) are plotted with the experimental data. Top panel: Results for inclusive charged particles with |η|<1.0 at s=5.02 TeV, compared to CMS data [118]. Middle panel: Results for inclusive charged particles with |η|<1.0 at s=2.76 TeV, compared to CMS data [34]. Bottom panel: Results for charged pion with |y|<0.35 at s=200 GeV, compared to PHENIX data [119].

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  • Figure 6
    Figure 6

    Nuclear modification factor for inclusive jets and charged particles in most-central (010%)Pb+Pb collisions at sNN=5.02 TeV from MATTER+LBT simulations for three different q̂·f formulations within the jetscape framework. Top panel: Results for inclusive jet RAA with R=0.4 and |yjet|<2.8, compared to ATLAS data [114] (black circles) and CMS data for |ηjet|<2.0 [120] (magenta squares). Middle panel: Results for inclusive jet RAA with R=0.4, |yjet|<0.3, and pTlead,ch>7GeV, compared to ALICE data [115]. Bottom panel: Results for charged-particle RAA with |η|<1.0, compared to CMS data [118].

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  • Figure 7
    Figure 7

    Same as Fig. 6. The solid red, dashed blue, and dotted green lines show results with virtuality dependence (Type 3) for αsfix=0.25,0.3,and0.35, respectively.

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  • Figure 8
    Figure 8

    Same as Fig. 6. The solid red, dashed blue, and dotted green lines show results with virtuality dependence (Type 3) for Qsw=1,2,and3 GeV, respectively. Here we set αsfix=0.3.

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  • Figure 9
    Figure 9

    Same as Fig. 6. The solid red, dashed blue, and dotted green lines show results with virtuality dependence (Type 3) for starting longitudinal proper times for in-medium jet energy losses τ0=0.3,0.6,and0.9 fm, respectively.

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  • Figure 10
    Figure 10

    Same as Fig. 6. The solid red, dashed blue, and dotted green lines show results with virtuality dependence (Type 3) for the energy loss termination temperatures Tc=150,160,and170 MeV, respectively.

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  • Figure 11
    Figure 11

    Centrality dependence of inclusive jet RAA with R=0.4 and |yjet|<2.8 at sNN=5.02 TeV. The calculation is performed using a multistage jet quenching model (MATTER+LBT). The jet transport coefficient multiplied by the virtuality dependent factor [q̂HTLrunf(Q2)] is used. The free parameters employed in the jet quenching model are extracted from simultaneous fit to inclusive jet RAA and charged-particle RAA at most-central (010%, sNN=5.02 TeV) Pb+Pb collisions (top left plot for jets) and no further retuning has been performed. Also shown by the dashed blue lines is the effect of not subtracting the holes. Results are compared to ATLAS data [114] (black circles) in all centrality cases and CMS data for |ηjet|<2.0 [120] (magenta square) in only the 010% case.

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  • Figure 12
    Figure 12

    Centrality dependence of inclusive charged hadron RAA for |η|<1.0 at sNN=5.02 TeV. The calculation is performed using a multistage jet quenching model (MATTER+LBT). The jet transport coefficient multiplied by the virtuality dependent factor [q̂HTLrunf(Q2)] is used. The free parameters employed in the jet quenching model are extracted from simultaneous fit to inclusive jet RAA and charged-particle RAA at most-central (010%, sNN=5.02 TeV) Pb+Pb collisions and no further retuning has been performed. Results are compared to CMS data [118] for both centralities.

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  • Figure 13
    Figure 13

    The inclusive jet RAA and charged-particle RAA at most-central (05%)Pb+Pb collisions at sNN=2.76 TeV. The calculation is performed using the multistage jet quenching model (MATTER+LBT) with virtuality dependence (Type 3). The free parameters employed in the jet quenching model are extracted from simultaneous fit to inclusive jet RAA and charged-particle RAA at most-central (010%, sNN=5.02 TeV) Pb+Pb collisions and no further retuning has been performed. Top panel: Results for inclusive jet RAA with R=0.4 and |ηjet|<2, compared to CMS data [116]. Bottom panel: Results for inclusive charged-particle RAA with |η|<1.0, compared to CMS data [34].

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  • Figure 14
    Figure 14

    The charged-particle jet RAA and charged-pion RAA at most-central (010%)Au+Au collisions at sNN=200 GeV. The top two panels and the bottom left panel are charged-jet RAA for cone sizes R=0.2 (|ηjet|<0.8), 0.3 (|ηjet|<0.7), and 0.4 (|ηjet|<0.6), compared to STAR data [121]. The bottom right panel is charged-pion RAA compared to PHENIX data of neutral-pion RAA [122]. The calculation is performed using the multistage jet quenching model (MATTER+LBT) with virtuality dependence (Type 3). The free parameters employed in the jet quenching model are extracted from simultaneous fit to inclusive jet RAA and charged-particle RAA at most-central (010%, sNN=5.02 TeV) Pb+Pb collisions and no further retuning has been performed.

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  • Figure 15
    Figure 15

    Predictions for the nuclear modification factor for inclusive jets for most-central (010%)Au+Au collisions at sNN=200 GeV. The inclusive jets are constructed with the cone size R=0.4 for two different kinematic cuts: |ηjet|<0.5 and |ηjet|<1.0. The calculation is performed using the multistage jet quenching model (MATTER+LBT) with virtuality dependence (Type 3). The free parameters employed in the jet quenching model are extracted from simultaneous fit to inclusive jet RAA and charged-particle RAA at most-central (010%, sNN=5.02 TeV) Pb+Pb collisions.

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  • Figure 16
    Figure 16

    Same as Fig. 6. For the q̂ formulation, the HTL with the fixed coupling (Type 1) is employed. The solid red, dashed blue, and dotted green lines show results with αsfix=0.2,0.25, and 0.3, respectively. Here we set Qsw=2 GeV.

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  • Figure 17
    Figure 17

    Same as Fig. 6. For the q̂ formulation, the HTL with the fixed coupling (Type 1) is employed. The solid red, dashed blue, and dotted green lines show results with Qsw=1,2, and 3 GeV, respectively. Here we set αsfix=0.25.

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  • Figure 18
    Figure 18

    Same as Fig. 6. For the q̂ formulation, the HTL with the running coupling (Type 2) is employed. The solid red, dashed blue, and dotted green lines show results with αsfix=0.2,0.25, and 0.3, respectively. Here we set Qsw=2 GeV.

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  • Figure 19
    Figure 19

    Same as Fig. 6. For the q̂ formulation, the HTL with the running coupling (Type 2) is employed. The solid red, dashed blue, and dotted green lines show results with Qsw=1,2, and 3 GeV, respectively. Here we set αsfix=0.25.

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  • Figure 20
    Figure 20

    Comparison of partonic jet RAA with hadronic jet RAA for two different parametrizations of q̂. Jets are reconstructed with cone R=0.4 at |yjet|<2.8. The black circles are ATLAS data [114] and the dark red squares are CMS data for |ηjet|<2.0 [120]. Top panel: Results for the formulation with virtuality dependence (Type 3). Bottom panel: Results for the q̂ formulation of the HTL with the running coupling (Type 2).

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  • Figure 21
    Figure 21

    Ratio of inclusive jet cross section at parton level to hadron level for p+p collisions at s=5.02 TeV.

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  • Figure 22
    Figure 22

    Nuclear modification factor for inclusive jets before hadronization and after hadronization is shown. Here, the partons with energy EEcut (in the rest frame of fluid cell) have been removed from the parton shower. For the functional form of q̂, the virtuality dependent formulation (Type 3) is employed. Results for inclusive jets with R=0.4 and |yjet|<2.8 are compared to ATLAS data [114] (black circles) and CMS data for |ηjet|<2.0 [120] (dark red squares).

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  • Figure 23
    Figure 23

    Same as Fig. 6, but theoretical curves shows the results when partons with energy EEcut=8T undergo nonperturbative energy loss modeled using correlated broadening. For the functional form of q̂, the virtuality dependent formulation (Type 3) is employed. The solid red lines show the results with hadronization, and the dashed green line in the top panel shows the result for partonic jets.

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