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Double-differential inclusive charged-current νμ cross sections on hydrocarbon in MINERvA at Eν3.5GeV

A. Filkins et al. (MINERνA Collaboration)
Phys. Rev. D 101, 112007 – Published 23 June 2020
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MINERvA reports inclusive charged-current cross sections for muon neutrinos on hydrocarbon in the NuMI beamline. We measured the double-differential cross section in terms of the longitudinal and transverse muon momenta, as well as the single-differential cross sections in those variables. The data used in this analysis correspond to an exposure of 3.34×1020 protons on target with a peak neutrino energy of approximately 3.5 GeV. Measurements are compared to the GENIE, NuWro and GiBUU neutrino cross-section predictions, as well as a version of GENIE modified to produce better agreement with prior exclusive MINERvA measurements. None of the models or variants were able to successfully reproduce the data across the entire phase space, which includes areas dominated by each interaction channel.

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  • Received 3 March 2020
  • Accepted 27 May 2020


Published by the American Physical Society under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license. Further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the published article’s title, journal citation, and DOI. Funded by SCOAP3.

Published by the American Physical Society

Physics Subject Headings (PhySH)

Particles & FieldsNuclear Physics

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Vol. 101, Iss. 11 — 1 June 2020

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  • Figure 1
    Figure 1

    Selected events of data and mnvgenie v1 in bins of longitudinal and transverse momenta, shown alongside modeled neutrino interaction types. Each panel represents a single bin of longitudinal (transverse) momentum in the top (bottom) plot. Note that multipliers are applied in some panels to better display low-population bins.

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  • Figure 2
    Figure 2

    Two-dimensional migration matrix projected into transverse momentum (top) and longitudinal momentum (bottom). Both projections are nearly diagonal.

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  • Figure 3
    Figure 3

    Efficiency for the νμ CC inclusive signal in bins of muon longitudinal and transverse momentum. The efficiency is highest (>85%) for high p|| and low pT, corresponding to good acceptance into the MINOS ND.

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  • Figure 4
    Figure 4

    Systematic uncertainties for pT (top) and p|| (bottom) single-differential cross sections. The neutrino flux is the largest fractional uncertainty (7%) for both variables, with the uncertainty from the muon reconstruction becoming sizable at high pT and low p||.

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  • Figure 5
    Figure 5

    Categorical breakdown of systematic uncertainties on the double-differential cross section measurement in slices of p|| (top) and pT (bottom). Flux is the dominant uncertainty in the majority of phase space, with muon reconstruction the other comparable uncertainty in some areas.

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  • Figure 6
    Figure 6

    Measured differential cross sections in transverse and longitudinal momenta. mnvgenie v1 is shown with its unstacked components.

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  • Figure 7
    Figure 7

    Measured double-differential cross section in slices of p|| (top) and pT (bottom). mnvgenie v1 is shown with its unstacked components.

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  • Figure 8
    Figure 8

    Measured double-differential cross section as a ratio to mnvgenie v1 in slices of p|| (top) and pT (bottom). Unstacked components of mnvgenie v1 are also shown as a ratio to the total MC.

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  • Figure 9
    Figure 9

    Absolutely normalized ratios of data, genie 2.8.4, NuWro, and GiBUU to mnvgenie v1 for pT and p||. The transverse momentum projection shows tension between all models and data in the 0.55<pT<1.50  GeV range, with the highest pT bin modeled the best. In longitudinal momentum, all models underpredict the cross section, with the most significant discrepancy of a 20% to 40% normalization difference occurring with GiBUU.

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  • Figure 10
    Figure 10

    Shape-only ratios of data, genie 2.8.4, NuWro, and GiBUU to mnvgenie v1 for pT and p||. In the transverse momentum projection genie 2.8.4 performs the best, agreeing well with data for all but the lowest pT bins. In longitudinal momentum, genie 2.8.4 and NuWro show the best agreement, with 75% of bins in agreement.

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  • Figure 11
    Figure 11

    Ratios of the measured cross section, untuned genie 2.8.4, NuWro 19.02, and GiBUU 2019 to mnvgenie v1. None of these models are able to faithfully reproduce the measured cross sections throughout the two dimensional phase space. The region which has the best model agreement is in the lower half of the p|| range with 0.15<pT<0.55  GeV.

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  • Figure 12
    Figure 12

    Shape-only ratios of the measured cross section, untuned genie 2.8.4, NuWro 19.02, and GiBUU 2019 to mnvgenie v1. Data in the region 2.0<p||<5.0  GeV with pT<0.25  GeV has notable tension with these models, with very few data bins exhibiting 1σ agreement with any model.

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  • Figure 13
    Figure 13

    Versions of mnvgenie v1 altered to use nCTEQ15, nCTEQν, and AMU true DIS models are shown alongside data as ratios to mnvgenie v1 for pT and p||. All of these models tend to underpredict the cross sections in all areas of sizable DIS contributions except the highest pT bin.

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  • Figure 14
    Figure 14

    Shape-only versions of mnvgenie v1 modified to use nCTEQ15, nCTEQν, and AMU true DIS models as ratios to mnvgenie v1 for pT and p||. In the mid pT range in which these models differ most from mnvgenie v1, the modifications made cause an increased shape discrepancy with the data.

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  • Figure 15
    Figure 15

    The ratio of data, mnvgenie v2, GENIE with the additions of untuned 2p2h and RPA suppression, and GENIE with RPA suppression added, to mnvgenie v1. These three model variations provide some of the best χ2 fits to the data.

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  • Figure 16
    Figure 16

    Shape-only ratio of data, MINERvA genie v2, GENIE with the additions of untuned 2p2h and RPA suppression, and GENIE with RPA suppression (and no 2p2h), to mnvgenie v1. The model variant with the best χ2 fit, GENIE+RPA, reproduces the shape of the data in specific areas, for example in the first, second and sixth p|| bins nearly all of the bins with pT>0.15  GeV are in agreement with data, but this variant also has many portions of phase space in which it fails to reproduce the shape of the data.

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