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Averages of b-hadron, c-hadron, and τ-lepton properties as of 2021

Y. Amhis et al. (Heavy Flavor Averaging Group Collaboration)
Phys. Rev. D 107, 052008 – Published 23 March 2023
Physics logo See synopsis: Heavy-Flavor Properties Get an Update


This paper reports world averages of measurements of b-hadron, c-hadron, and τ-lepton properties obtained by the Heavy Flavor Averaging Group using results available before April 2021. In rare cases, significant results obtained several months later are also used. For the averaging, common input parameters used in the various analyses are adjusted (rescaled) to common values, and known correlations are taken into account. The averages include branching fractions, lifetimes, neutral meson mixing parameters, CP violation parameters, parameters of semileptonic decays, and Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa matrix elements.

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  • Received 25 June 2022
  • Accepted 20 September 2022


Published by the American Physical Society under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license. Further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the published article’s title, journal citation, and DOI. Funded by SCOAP3.

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Heavy-Flavor Properties Get an Update

Published 23 March 2023

The Heavy Flavor Averaging Group has released new world averages for properties of “heavy-flavor” particle decays—an update aimed at improving our understanding of flavor physics.

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Vol. 107, Iss. 5 — 1 March 2023

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  • Figure 1
    Figure 1

    Illustration of the possible dependence of a measured quantity x on a nuisance parameter yi. The plot compares the 68% confidence level contours of a hypothetical measurement’s unconstrained (large ellipse) and constrained (filled ellipse) likelihoods, using the Gaussian constraint on yi represented by the horizontal band. The solid error bars represent the statistical uncertainties σ(x) and σ(yi) of the unconstrained likelihood. The dashed error bar shows the statistical uncertainty on x from a constrained simultaneous fit to x and yi.

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  • Figure 2
    Figure 2

    Illustration of the HFLAV combination procedure for correlated systematic uncertainties. Upper plots (a) and (b) show examples of two individual measurements to be combined. The large (filled) ellipses represent their unconstrained (constrained) iso-likelihood contours, while horizontal bands indicate the different assumptions about the value and uncertainty of yi used by each measurement. The error bars show the results of the method described in the text for obtaining x by performing fits with yi fixed to different values. Lower plots (c) and (d) illustrate the adjustments to accommodate updated and consistent knowledge of yi. Open circles mark the central values of the unadjusted fits to x with y fixed; these determine the dashed line used to obtain the adjusted values.

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  • Figure 3
    Figure 3

    Illustration of the combination of two hypothetical measurements of x using the method described in the text. The ellipses represent the unconstrained likelihoods of each measurement, and the horizontal band represents the latest knowledge about yi that is used to adjust the individual measurements. The filled small ellipse shows the result of the exact method using Lcomb, and the hollow small ellipse and dot show the result of the approximate method using χcomb2.

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  • Figure 4
    Figure 4

    The B0B¯0 oscillation frequency Δmd as measured by the different experiments. The averages quoted for ALEPH, L3 and OPAL are taken from the original publications, while the ones for DELPHI, CDF, BABAR, Belle and LHCb are computed from the individual results listed in Table 15 without performing any adjustments. The time-integrated measurements of χd from the symmetric B factory experiments ARGUS and CLEO are converted to a Δmd value using τ(B0)=1.519±0.004ps. The two global averages are obtained after adjustments of all the individual Δmd results of Table 15 (see text).

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  • Figure 5
    Figure 5

    Contours of ΔlnL=0.5 (39% CL for the enclosed 2D regions, 68% CL for the bands) shown in the (Γs,ΔΓs) plane on the left and in the (1/ΓsL,1/ΓsH) plane on the right. The average of all the Bs0J/ψϕ, Bs0J/ψK+K and Bs0ψ(2S)ϕ results is shown as the red contour, where Γs and ΔΓs are scaled by factors 2.56 and 1.72. The constraints given by the effective lifetime measurements of Bs0 to flavor-specific, pure CP-odd and pure CP-even final states are shown as the blue, green and purple bands, respectively. The average taking all constraints into account is shown as the dark-filled contour. The light-gray bands are theory predictions. The horizontal band is ΔΓs=+0.091±0.013ps1 [42, 45, 87, 88] that assumes no new physics in Bs0 mixing. The vertical Γs band is calculated from Ref. [56] assuming the experimental world average for the B0 lifetime, 1.519±0.004ps.

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  • Figure 6
    Figure 6

    Measurements of Δms, together with their average.

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  • Figure 7
    Figure 7

    Measurements of ASLd and ASLs listed in Table 20 (B-factory average as the gray band, D0 measurements as the green ellipses, LHCb measurements as the blue ellipse) together with their two-dimensional average (red hatched ellipse). The red point close to (0, 0) is the Standard Model prediction of Ref. [87] with error bars multiplied by 10. The prediction and the experimental world average deviate from each other by 0.5σ.

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  • Figure 8
    Figure 8

    68% CL regions shown in the (ϕscc¯s,ΔΓs) plane on the top and in the (Γs,ΔΓs) plane on the bottom, for individual experiments and their combination. The left plots are obtained from all CDF [172], D0 [173], ATLAS [174, 175, 176], CMS [177, 178] and LHCb [93, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183, 227, 229] measurements of Bs0J/ψϕ, Bs0J/ψK+K, Bs0ψ(2S)ϕ, Bs0J/ψπ+π and Bs0Ds+Ds decays, while the right plots are obtained from Bs0J/ψϕ measurements only [172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 182, 183]. The expectation within the Standard Model neglecting penguin contributions [42, 45, 87, 88, 169] is shown as the white rectangle in the top plots. The Γs theory value in the bottom plots is calculated from Ref. [56] assuming the experimental world average for the B0 lifetime, 1.519±0.004ps.

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  • Figure 9
    Figure 9

    The unitarity triangle.

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  • Figure 10
    Figure 10

    Top: average of measurements of Sbcc¯s, interpreted as sin(2β), with (bottom left) the same but excluding less precise measurements to allow inspection of the detail. Bottom right: more precise results and the world average for Cbcc¯s.

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  • Figure 11
    Figure 11

    Constraints on the (ρ¯,η¯) plane, obtained from the average of ηSbcc¯s and Eq. (147). Note that the solution with the smaller (larger) value of β has cos(2β)>0 (<0).

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  • Figure 12
    Figure 12

    Averages of (left) sin(2β)sin(2ϕ1) and (right) cos(2β)cos(2ϕ1) from time-dependent analyses of B0J/ψK*0 decays.

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  • Figure 13
    Figure 13

    Averages of (left) (Jc/J0), (middle) (2Js1/J0)sin(2β) and (right) (2Js2/J0)cos(2β) from time-dependent analyses of B0D*+D*KS0 decays.

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  • Figure 14
    Figure 14

    Averages of sin(2β) measured in color-suppressed bcu¯d transitions.

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  • Figure 15
    Figure 15

    Averages of (left) Sbcc¯d and (right) Cbcc¯d for the mode B0J/ψπ0.

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  • Figure 16
    Figure 16

    Averages of (left) Sbcc¯d and (right) Cbcc¯d for the mode B0D+D.

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  • Figure 17
    Figure 17

    Averages of two bcc¯d dominated channels, for which correlated averages are performed, in the SCP vs. CCP plane. Contours at SCP2+CCP2=1 represent the physical boundary for the parameters. (Left) B0J/ψπ0 and (right) B0D+D.

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  • Figure 18
    Figure 18

    Averages of (left) Sbcc¯d and (right) Cbcc¯d for the mode B0D*+D*.

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  • Figure 19
    Figure 19

    Averages of (left) ηSbcc¯d interpreted as sin(2βeff) and (right) Cbcc¯d. The ηSbcc¯d figure compares the results to the world average for ηSbcc¯s (see Sec. 6d1).

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  • Figure 20
    Figure 20

    Compilation of constraints in the ηSbcc¯d, interpreted as sin(2βeff), vs Cbcc¯d plane. The contours at sin(2βeff)2+Cbcc¯d2=1 represents the physical boundary for the parameters.

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  • Figure 21
    Figure 21

    Top: averages of (left) ηSbqq¯s, interpreted as sin(2βeff and (right) Cbqq¯s. The ηSbqq¯s figure compares the results to the world average for ηSbcc¯s (see Sec. 6d1). Bottom: same, but only averages for each mode are shown. More figures are available from the HFLAV web pages.

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  • Figure 22
    Figure 22

    Averages of four bqq¯s dominated channels, for which correlated averages are performed, in the SCP vs. CCP plane, where SCP has been corrected by the CP eigenvalue to give sin(2βeff). Contours at SCP2+CCP2=1 represent the physical boundary for the parameters. Top left: B0ϕK0, (top right) B0ηK0, (bottom left) B0KS0KS0KS0, (bottom right) B0π0KS0. More figures are available from the HFLAV web pages.

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  • Figure 23
    Figure 23

    Compilation of constraints in the ηSbqq¯s, interpreted as sin(2βeff), vs Cbqq¯s plane. The contours at sin(2βeff)2+Cbqq¯s2=1 represents the physical boundary for the parameters.

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  • Figure 24
    Figure 24

    Averages of (left) βeffϕ1eff and (right) ACP for the B0f0KS0 decay including measurements from Dalitz plot analyses of both B0K+KKS0 and B0π+πKS0.

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  • Figure 25
    Figure 25

    Averages of (left) SCP and (right) CCP for the mode B0KS0KS0.

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  • Figure 26
    Figure 26

    Averages of (left) Sbsγ and (right) Cbsγ. Recall that the data for K*γ is a subset of that for KS0π0γ.

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  • Figure 27
    Figure 27

    Averages of four bsγ dominated channels in the SCP vs CCP plane. Contours at SCP2+CCP2=1 represent the physical boundary for the parameters. (Top left) B0K*γ, (top right) B0KS0π0γ (including K*γ), (bottom left) B0KS0ηγ, (bottom right) B0KS0ρ0γ.

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  • Figure 28
    Figure 28

    Averages of (left) SCP and (right) CCP for the mode B0π+π.

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  • Figure 29
    Figure 29

    Averages of (left) SCP and (right) CCP for the mode B0ρ+ρ.

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  • Figure 30
    Figure 30

    Averages of buu¯d dominated channels, for which correlated averages are performed, in the SCP vs CCP plane. Contours at SCP2+CCP2=1 represent the physical boundary for the parameters. Left: B0π+π and (right) B0ρ+ρ.

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  • Figure 31
    Figure 31

    Averages of CP violation parameters in B0a1±π in Aa1π+ vs Aa1π+ space.

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  • Figure 32
    Figure 32

    Summary of the U and I parameters measured in the time-dependent B0π+ππ0 Dalitz plot analysis.

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  • Figure 33
    Figure 33

    Averages of (left) Sbuu¯d and (right) Cbuu¯d for the mode B0ρ0π0.

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  • Figure 34
    Figure 34

    Averages of buu¯d dominated channels, for the mode B0ρ0π0 in the SCP vs CCP plane. The contour at SCP2+CCP2=1 represents the physical boundary for the parameters.

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  • Figure 35
    Figure 35

    CP violation in B0ρ±π decays. Left: ACPρπ vs Cρπ space, (right) Aρπ+ vs. Aρπ+ space.

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  • Figure 36
    Figure 36

    World average of αϕ2, in terms of 1−CL, split by decay mode.

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  • Figure 37
    Figure 37

    Averages for bcu¯d/uc¯d modes.

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  • Figure 38
    Figure 38

    Averages of ACP and RCP from GLW analyses.

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  • Figure 39
    Figure 39

    Averages of RADS and AADS for BD(*)K(*) decays.

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  • Figure 40
    Figure 40

    Averages of RADS and AADS for BD(*)π decays.

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  • Figure 41
    Figure 41

    Contours in the (x±,y±) from model-dependent analysis of B+D(*)K(*)+, DKS0h+h (h=π, K). Left: B+DK+, (middle) B+D*K+, (right) B+DK*+. Note that the uncertainties assigned to the averages given in these plots do not include model uncertainties.

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  • Figure 42
    Figure 42

    Averages of (x±,y±) from model-dependent analyses of B+D(*)K(*)+ with DKS0h+h (h=π, K). Top left: x+, (top right) x, (bottom left) y+, (bottom right) y. The top plots include constraints on x± obtained from GLW analyses (see Sec. 6o1). Note that the uncertainties assigned to the averages given in these plots do not include model uncertainties.

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  • Figure 43
    Figure 43

    Contours in the (x±,y±) plane from model-independent analysis of B+DK+ with DKS0h+h (h=π, K).

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  • Figure 44
    Figure 44

    World average of γϕ3, in terms of 1−CL, split by decay mode.

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  • Figure 45
    Figure 45

    World average of γϕ3, in terms of 1−CL, split by analysis method.

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  • Figure 46
    Figure 46

    World averages for the hadronic parameters rB in the different decay modes, in terms of 1−CL.

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  • Figure 47
    Figure 47

    Contributions to the combination from different input measurements, shown in the plane of the relevant rB (left) or δB (right) parameter vs. γϕ3. From top to bottom: B+DK+, B+D*K+, B+DK*+ and B0DK*0. Contours show the two-dimensional 68% and 95% CL regions.

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  • Figure 48
    Figure 48

    Summary of the constraints on the angles of the unitarity triangle.

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  • Figure 49
    Figure 49

    Branching fractions of exclusive semileptonic B decays: (a) B¯0D*+ν¯ (Table 69) and (b) BD*0ν¯ (Table 70).

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  • Figure 50
    Figure 50

    Illustration of (a) the average and (b) the dependence of ηEWF(1)|Vcb| on ρ2. The error ellipses correspond to Δχ2=1 (CL=39%). Figure (c) is a zoomed in view of the Belle and BABAR measurements.

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  • Figure 51
    Figure 51

    Branching fractions of exclusive semileptonic B decays: (a) B¯0D+ν¯ (Table 72) and (b) BD0ν¯ (Table 73).

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  • Figure 52
    Figure 52

    Illustration of (a) the average and (b) dependence of ηEWG(w)|Vcb| on ρ2. The error ellipses correspond to Δχ2=1 (CL=39%). Figure (c) is a zoomed in view of the Belle and BABAR measurements.

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  • Figure 53
    Figure 53

    Average branching fraction of exclusive semileptonic B decays (a) B¯0D0π+ν¯, (b) B¯0D*0π+ν¯, (c) BD+πν¯, and (d) BD*+πν¯. The corresponding individual results are also shown.

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  • Figure 54
    Figure 54

    Rescaled individual measurements and their averages for (a) B(BD10ν¯)×B(D10D*+π) and (b) B(BD20ν¯)×B(D20D*+π).

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  • Figure 55
    Figure 55

    Rescaled individual measurements and their averages for (a) B(BD10ν¯)×B(D10D*+π) and (b) B(BD0*0ν¯)×B(D0*0D+π).

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  • Figure 56
    Figure 56

    Fit to the inclusive partial semileptonic branching fractions and to the lepton energy moments in the kinetic mass scheme. In all plots, the gray band is the theory prediction with total theory error. BABAR data are shown by circles, Belle by squares and other experiments (DELPHI, CDF, CLEO) by triangles. Filled symbols mean that the point was used in the fit. Open symbols are measurements that were not used in the fit.

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  • Figure 57
    Figure 57

    Same as Fig. 56 for the fit to the hadronic mass moments in the kinetic mass scheme.

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  • Figure 58
    Figure 58

    The Bπνq2 spectrum measurements and the average spectrum obtained from the likelihood combination (shown in black).

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  • Figure 59
    Figure 59

    Fit of the BCL parametrization to the averaged q2 spectrum from BABAR and Belle and the LQCD and LCSR calculations. The error bands represent the 1σ (dark green) and 2σ (light green) uncertainties of the fitted spectrum.

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  • Figure 60
    Figure 60

    (a) Summary of exclusive determinations of B(B+ρ0+ν) and their average. Measurements of B0ρ+ν branching fractions have been scaled by 0.5τB+/τB0 in accordance with isospin symmetry. (b) Summary of exclusive determinations of B+ω+ν and their average.

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  • Figure 61
    Figure 61

    The averaged q2 spectrum of the measurements listed in the text for the ρ (left) and ω (right) final state on top of the latest Belle and BABAR measurements. The isospin transformation is applied to the B0ρ+ν measurements. In the right figure we also show the model (green band) which was used to split the bins in the averaging procedure.

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  • Figure 62
    Figure 62

    (a) Summary of exclusive determinations of B(B+η+ν) and their average. (b) Summary of exclusive determinations of B(B+η+ν) and their average.

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  • Figure 63
    Figure 63

    Measurements of |Vub| from inclusive semileptonic decays and their average based on the BLNP (a) and DGE (b) prescription. The labels indicate the variables and selections used to define the signal regions in the different analyses.

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  • Figure 64
    Figure 64

    Measurements of |Vub| from inclusive semileptonic decays and their average based on the GGOU (a) and ADFR (b) prescription. The labels indicate the variables and selections used to define the signal regions in the different analyses.

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  • Figure 65
    Figure 65

    Measurements of |Vub| from inclusive semileptonic decays and their average in the BLL prescription.

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  • Figure 66
    Figure 66

    Combined average on |Vub| and |Vcb| including the LHCb measurement of |Vub|/|Vcb|, the exclusive |Vub| measurement from Bπν, and the |Vcb| average from BDν, BD*ν and BsDs(*)μν measurements. The dashed ellipse corresponds to a 1σ two-dimensional contour (68% of CL). The point with the error bars corresponds to the inclusive |Vcb| from the kinetic scheme (Sec. 7b2), and the inclusive |Vub| from GGOU calculation (Sec. 7d3).

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  • Figure 67
    Figure 67

    Measurements of R(D) and R(D*) listed in Table 97 and their two-dimensional average. Contours correspond to Δχ2=1, i.e., 68% CL for the bands and 39% CL for the ellipses. The black and blue points with error bars, are two recent SM prediction for R(D*) and R(D). The SM predictions reported are based on results from Refs. [610, 613, 615]. More information is given in the text. An average of these predictions and the experimental average deviate from each other by about 3.3σ. The dashed ellipse correspond to a 3σ contour (99.73% CL).

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  • Figure 68
    Figure 68

    (a) Measurements of R(D) and (b) R(D*). The green bands are the averages obtained from the combined fit. The red bands are the averages of the theoretical predictions obtained as explained in the text.

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  • Figure 69
    Figure 69

    A selection of high-precision charmless mesonic B meson branching fraction measurements.

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  • Figure 70
    Figure 70

    Branching fractions of charmless baryonic B+ and B0 decays into nonstrange baryons.

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  • Figure 71
    Figure 71

    Branching fractions of charmless baryonic B+ and B0 decays into strange baryons.

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  • Figure 72
    Figure 72

    Branching fractions of charmless Λb0 decays.

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  • Figure 73
    Figure 73

    Branching fractions of charmless leptonic Bs0 decays.

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  • Figure 74
    Figure 74

    Branching fractions of charmless nonleptonic Bs0 decays.

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  • Figure 75
    Figure 75

    Branching fractions of B+ and B0 decays of the type bs+.

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  • Figure 76
    Figure 76

    Branching fractions of B+ and B0 decays of the type bu+, purely leptonic and leptonic radiative.

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  • Figure 77
    Figure 77

    Compilation of RK(*) ratios in the low dilepton invariant-mass region. These are ratios between branching fractions of B-meson decays to K(*)μ+μ and K(*)e+e, which provide information on lepton universality.

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  • Figure 78
    Figure 78

    Limits on branching fractions of lepton-flavor-violating B+ and B0 decays.

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  • Figure 79
    Figure 79

    Limits on branching fractions of lepton-number-violating B+ and B0 decays.

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  • Figure 80
    Figure 80

    Branching fractions of charmless B decays with neutrinos.

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  • Figure 81
    Figure 81

    A selection among the most precise direct CP asymmetries (ACP) measured in charmless B+ and B0 decay modes.

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  • Figure 82
    Figure 82

    Longitudinal polarization fraction in charmless B decays.

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  • Figure 83
    Figure 83

    Longitudinal polarization fraction in charmless Bs0 decays.

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  • Figure 84
    Figure 84

    World average value of RM=(x2+y2)/2 as calculated from D0K+ν¯ measurements [1202, 1203, 1204, 1205]. The confidence level from the fit is 0.97.

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  • Figure 85
    Figure 85

    World average value of yCP as calculated from D0K+K,π+π,K+KKS0, and KS0ω measurements [1222, 1223, 1224, 1225, 1226, 1227, 1228, 1229, 1230]. The confidence level from the fit is 0.21.

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  • Figure 86
    Figure 86

    World average value of AΓ calculated from D0K+K,π+π measurements [1226, 1228, 1231, 1232]. The confidence level from the fit is 0.73.

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  • Figure 87
    Figure 87

    Two-dimensional contours for theoretical parameters (x12,y12) (top left), (x12,ϕ12) (top right), and (y12,ϕ12) (bottom), under the assumption of no direct CPV in DCS decays (Fit 3).

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  • Figure 88
    Figure 88

    Two-dimensional contours for parameters (x,y) (upper) and (|q/p|1,ϕ) (lower), allowing for CPV (fit 4).

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  • Figure 89
    Figure 89

    The function Δχ2=χ2χmin2 for fitted parameters x,y,δ,δKππ,|q/p|, and ϕ. The points where Δχ2=3.84 (denoted by dashed horizontal lines) determine 95% C.L. intervals.

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  • Figure 90
    Figure 90

    Plot of all data and the fit result. Individual measurements are plotted as bands showing their ±1σ range. The no-CPV point (0,0) is shown as a filled circle, and the best fit value is indicated by a cross showing the one-dimensional uncertainties. Two-dimensional 68% C.L., 99.7% C.L., and 99.99997% C.L. regions are plotted as ellipses.

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  • Figure 91
    Figure 91

    Comparison of the results of f+K(0)|Vcs| measured by the Belle [1335], BABAR [1336], CLEO-c [1337], and BESIII [1269, 1334, 1339, 1340] experiments.

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  • Figure 92
    Figure 92

    Decay angles θV, θ and χ. Note that the angle χ between the decay planes is defined in the D-meson reference frame, whereas the angles θV and θ are defined in the V meson and W reference frames, respectively.

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  • Figure 93
    Figure 93

    WA values for fD|Vcd| (left) and fDs|Vcs| (right). For each point, the first error is statistical and the second error is systematic. BESIII(a) represents results based on 0.48fb1 of data recorded at s=4.009GeV [1412], and BESIII(b) represents results based on 6.32fb1 of data recorded at s=4.1784.226GeV [1405, 1406, 1407].

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  • Figure 94
    Figure 94

    Comparison of magnitudes of CKM matrix elements |Vcd| (left) and |Vcs| (right), as determined from leptonic and semileptonic D(s) decays. Also listed are results from neutrino scattering, from W decays, and from a global fit of the CKM matrix assuming unitarity [242].

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  • Figure 95
    Figure 95

    The Kπ invariant mass distribution for D0Kπ+(nγ) decays. The three curves correspond to three different configurations of photos for modeling FSR: version 2.02 without interference (blue/gray), version 2.02 with interference (red dashed) and version 2.15 with interference (black). The true invariant mass has been smeared with a typical experimental resolution of 10MeV/c2. Inset: The corresponding spectrum of total energy radiated per event. The arrow indicates the Eγ value that begins to shift kinematic quantities outside of the range typically accepted in a measurement.

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  • Figure 96
    Figure 96

    FOCUS data (dots), original fits (blue) and toy MC parametrization (red) for D0Kπ+ (left), D0π+π (center), and D0π+π (right).

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  • Figure 97
    Figure 97

    Comparison of measurements of B(D0Kπ+) (blue) with the average branching fraction obtained here (red, and yellow band). For these measurements only, the partial χ2 is 4.9 in the final fit.

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  • Figure 98
    Figure 98

    The B(D0K+K) (left) and B(D0π+π) (right) values obtained either from absolute measurements or by scaling the measured branching ratios with the B(D0Kπ+) branching fraction average obtained here. For the measurements (blue points), the error bars correspond to the statistical, systematic and either the Kπ normalization uncertainties or, in case of an absolute measurement, the FSR modeling uncertainty. The average obtained here (red point, yellow band) lists the statistical, systematics excluding FSR, and the FSR systematic. For the measurements related to B(D0K+K) [B(D0π+π)] only, the partial χ2 is 15.7 [6.0] in the final fit.

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  • Figure 99
    Figure 99

    (a) Average masses for excited Ds mesons; (b) average masses for excited D mesons; (c) average widths for excited Ds mesons; (d) average widths for excited D mesons. The vertical shaded regions distinguish between different spin-parity states.

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  • Figure 100
    Figure 100

    Level diagram for multiplets and transitions for excited charm baryons.

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  • Figure 101
    Figure 101

    Upper limits at 90% C.L. for D0 decays. The top plot shows flavor-changing neutral current and radiative decays, and the bottom plot shows lepton-flavor-changing (LF), lepton-number-changing (L), and both baryon- and lepton-number-changing (BL) decays.

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  • Figure 102
    Figure 102

    Upper limits at 90% C.L. for D+ (top) and Ds+ (bottom) decays. Each plot shows flavor-changing neutral current and rare decays, lepton-flavor-changing decays (LF), and lepton-number-changing (L) decays.

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  • Figure 103
    Figure 103

    Upper limits at 90% C.L. for Λc+ decays. Shown are flavor-changing neutral current decays, lepton-flavor-changing (LF) decays, and lepton-number-changing (L) decays.

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  • Figure 104
    Figure 104

    |Vus| determinations. In the CKM-unitarity evaluation, |Vud| is taken from a 2020 experimental update [1658]. The value |Vus|K3 from Kπ0μν¯μ decays is taken from a 2021 update [1665]. The value |Vus|K2 from Kμν¯μ decays is taken from Ref. [9].

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