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Ultraviolet cascade in the thermalization of the classical ϕ4 theory in 3+1 dimensions

C. Destri and H. J. de Vega
Phys. Rev. D 73, 025014 – Published 19 January 2006


We investigate the dynamics of thermalization and the approach to equilibrium in the classical ϕ4 theory in 3+1 spacetime dimensions. The nonequilibrium dynamics is studied by numerically solving the equations of motion in a light-cone-like discretization of the model for a broad range of initial conditions and energy densities. A smooth cascade of energy towards the ultraviolet is found to be the basic mechanism of thermalization. After an initial transient stage, at a time scale of several hundred inverse masses, the squared magnitude of the field spatial gradient becomes larger than the nonlinear term and there emerges a stage of universal cascade, independent of the details of the initial conditions. As the cascade progresses, the modes with higher wave numbers, but well behind the forefront of the cascade, exhibit weaker and weaker nonlinearities well described by the Hartree approximation, while the infrared modes retain strong self-interactions. As a consequence, two time scales for equilibration appear as characteristic of two time-dependent wave number regions. For k2ϕ2¯(t), we observe an effective equilibration to a time-dependent powerlike spectrum with a time scale in the hundreds of inverse masses; cutoff effects are absent and the Hartree approximation holds for k2ϕ2¯(t). On the other hand, infrared modes with k2ϕ2¯(t) equilibrate only by time scales in the millions of inverse masses when the cutoff effects become dominant and complete thermalization is setting in. Accordingly, we observe in the field correlator a relatively large and long-lived deviation from the Hartree behavior of a nonperturbative character. There corresponds an effective mass governing the long distance behavior of the correlator which turns out to be significantly smaller than the Hartree mass which is exhibited by the modes with k2ϕ2¯(t). Virialization and the equation of state start to set in much earlier than thermalization. The applicability of these results in quantum field theory for large occupation numbers and small coupling is analyzed.

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  • Received 5 October 2005


©2006 American Physical Society

Authors & Affiliations

C. Destri1,* and H. J. de Vega2,†

  • 1Dipartimento di Fisica G. Occhialini, Università Milano-Bicocca Piazza della Scienza 3, 20126 Milano, Italy and INFN, sezione di Milano, via Celoria 16, Milano, Italy
  • 2LPTHE, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris VI et Denis Diderot, Paris VII, Laboratoire Associé au CNRS UMR 7589, Tour 24, 5ème. étage, 4, Place Jussieu, 75252 Paris, Cedex 05, France and Observatoire de Paris, LERMA, Laboratoire Associé au CNRS UMR 8112, 61, Avenue de l’Observatoire, 75014 Paris, France

  • *Electronic address: Claudio.Destri@mib.infn.it
  • Electronic address: devega@lpthe.jussieu.fr

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Vol. 73, Iss. 2 — 15 January 2006

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  • Figure 1
    Figure 1
    ϕ2, (ϕ)2, and the ratio ϕ4/ϕ22 as a function of T/a in thermal equilibrium from Monte Carlo simulations.Reuse & Permissions
  • Figure 2
    Figure 2
    1/|ϕ˜k|2, the inverse of the direction-averaged ϕ power spectrum, as a function of a2[1[B(ϕ2)C(ka)]2], which reproduces k2+1+3ϕ2 for small ka while including the lattice artifacts when ka becomes of order 1. In the present case the UV cutoff is Λ=125.6637. The almost linear behavior of 1/|ϕ˜k|2 down to relatively small ka (see the inset) supports the accuracy of the Hartree approximation.Reuse & Permissions
  • Figure 3
    Figure 3
    Zk vs the radial wave number (in the upper plot) and the power spectrum |π˜k|2 (lower plot), which is indeed almost flat and equal to the temperature T.Reuse & Permissions
  • Figure 4
    Figure 4
    Log-log plot of the time evolution of local observables with sliding time average. Initial conditions are localized wave packets of Lorentzian shape without any zero-mode condensate. No average is performed over initial packet amplitudes or positions.Reuse & Permissions
  • Figure 5
    Figure 5
    Log-log plot of the time evolution of local observables. The time averaging interval is quite small, τ=2, and the initial conditions are plane waves with a large zero-mode condensate. No average is performed over initial amplitudes or phases.Reuse & Permissions
  • Figure 6
    Figure 6
    Log-log plot of the time evolution of local observables. The time averaging interval is τ=40 and the initial conditions are plane waves with a large zero-mode condensate. No average is performed over initial amplitudes or phases.Reuse & Permissions
  • Figure 7
    Figure 7
    Log-log plot of the time evolution of local observables. Initial conditions are plane waves without a zero-mode condensate. The time averaging interval is τ=200 and an extra average is performed over 40 random choices of initial amplitudes and phases. This explains why the curves in this picture are smoother than those in Figs. 5, 6.Reuse & Permissions
  • Figure 8
    Figure 8
    Log-log plot of the time evolution of local observables with sliding time average and very small energy density. Initial conditions are of the same type as in Fig. 4. No average is performed over initial packet amplitudes or positions. Time averaging is performed here as by Eqs. (2.17, 2.18).Reuse & Permissions
  • Figure 9
    Figure 9
    log|ϕ¯(t)| as a function of the logarithm of the time t for E/V=1000 and E/V=10 with L=6.4 and a=0.1. No average is performed over initial packet amplitudes or positions. Time averaging is performed here as by Eqs. (2.17, 2.18).Reuse & Permissions
  • Figure 10
    Figure 10
    ϕ+4 vs ϕ2 in thermal equilibrium (obtained from Monte Carlo simulations) and ϕ+4¯(t) vs ϕ2¯(t) from time averages. Both ϕ+4¯(t) and ϕ2¯(t) decrease for increasing time.Reuse & Permissions
  • Figure 11
    Figure 11
    The normalized left-hand side of the virial theorem Δ(t) vs the logarithm of the time t for E/V=ρ=1, 10, 100, and 1000 for a=0.1 and L=6.4 [see Eq. (4.3)]. No average is performed over initial packet amplitudes or positions. Time averaging is performed here as by Eqs. (2.17, 2.18).Reuse & Permissions
  • Figure 12
    Figure 12
    The equation of state p¯/ρ vs the logarithm of the time t for ρ=100 and 10 with a=0.05 and for ρ=5 and 0.1 with a=0.1. We have in all four cases L=6.4. No average is performed over initial packet amplitudes or positions. Time averaging is performed here as by Eqs. (2.17, 2.18).Reuse & Permissions
  • Figure 13
    Figure 13
    The power 4πk2|π˜k|2¯(t) vs k=|k| at 20 different times ranging, in an approximately exponential way, from t=0 to t=12.75 (left panel) and from t=12.75 to t=2948 (right panel). The time averaging interval is τ=2 and the initial conditions are infrared random plane waves, as apparent from the IR peaks at early times. The front of the UV cascade arrives close to the cutoff Λ for the latest times.Reuse & Permissions
  • Figure 14
    Figure 14
    The power 4πk2|π˜k|2¯(t) vs k as in the right of Fig. 13 but at values of the UV cutoff Λ scaled by 1/4, 1/2, 2, and 4. When Λ=251.328 the last time t=2978 is missing. The cascades shown in the lower panels are cutoff independent since they are evolving well below the cutoff Λ.Reuse & Permissions
  • Figure 15
    Figure 15
    Log-log plot of |ϕ˜k|2¯(t) vs time. Initial conditions are as in Fig. 13. The four thicker lines correspond to the modes initially filled (after averaging over directions). The zero-mode (dashed line) was not filled at t=0. Notice the peculiar behavior of the lowest k modes compared with the rest of the k modes.Reuse & Permissions
  • Figure 16
    Figure 16
    As in Fig. 15, but for |π˜k|2¯(t) vs time. Notice the peculiar behavior of the lowest k modes compared with the rest of the k modes.Reuse & Permissions
  • Figure 17
    Figure 17
    Log-log plot of the time evolution of average wave number k¯(t), for five values of the lattice spacing 2a, with initial conditions as in Figs. 13, 14.Reuse & Permissions
  • Figure 18
    Figure 18
    log[|π˜k|2¯(t)] vs k for several values of time. All relevant parameters are at the indicated values. Initial conditions were random plane waves. |π˜k|2¯(t) starts decreasing with k as kα and later it dies exponentially for Λ>k>k¯(t).Reuse & Permissions
  • Figure 19
    Figure 19
    log[4πk2|π˜k|2¯(t)] vs logk in a fixed wave number window for several values of time. All relevant parameters are at the indicated values.Reuse & Permissions
  • Figure 20
    Figure 20
    The power 4πk2|π˜k|2¯(t) vs k=|k| at several times, E/V=89.5 and two lattice spacings. The initial conditions are infrared random plane waves with a zero-mode condensate dominating the energy. Notice the peaks due to parametric resonance.Reuse & Permissions
  • Figure 21
    Figure 21
    Log-log plot of |ϕ˜k|2¯(t) vs time. Initial conditions are as in Fig. 20. Only the zero-mode (thick line) was macroscopically filled at t=0.Reuse & Permissions
  • Figure 22
    Figure 22
    Log-log plot of the time evolution of space-averaged local observables and of the average wave number. The time averaging interval is τ=200 and the initial conditions are infrared random plane waves. This plot is analogous to Fig. 5 but with the time evolution lasting for significantly later times.Reuse & Permissions
  • Figure 23
    Figure 23
    4πk2|π˜k|2¯(t) vs k at the times indicated. All parameters are as in Fig. 22.Reuse & Permissions
  • Figure 24
    Figure 24
    Log-log plot of |π˜k|2¯(t) and |ϕ˜k|2¯(t) vs k. Data points are explicitly indicated. All parameters are as in Fig. 22. Comparison with Fig. 22 shows that modes with k2<ϕ2¯(t) thermalize much slower than those with k2>ϕ2¯(t).Reuse & Permissions
  • Figure 25
    Figure 25
    Log-log plot |π˜k|2¯(t) and |ϕ˜k|2¯(t) vs lnt. Only modes up to kΛ are shown. All parameters are as in Fig. 22. We see that modes with k2<ϕ2¯(t) thermalize here the last. [Compare with Fig. 22 to see logϕ2¯(t).]Reuse & Permissions
  • Figure 26
    Figure 26
    Comparison of log|π˜k|2¯(t) vs Zk(t). Diamonds in the bottom panel represent equilibrium values. All parameters are as in Fig. 22. We see that Zk(t) equilibrates much earlier than |π˜k|2¯(t).Reuse & Permissions
  • Figure 27
    Figure 27
    Scaling properties of the Zk(t) for two low-lying ranges of the radial wave number k.Reuse & Permissions
  • Figure 28
    Figure 28
    The number of modes over spherical shells, 4πk2n¯k(t), vs k=|k| at the different times indicated. The initial conditions are infrared random plane waves. The UV cascade is clearly seen as k2n¯k(t) is depleted for low k while it grows for large k as time grows.Reuse & Permissions
  • Figure 29
    Figure 29
    Meff2(t)1 as a function of the logarithm of the time t for E/V=0.1, 10, 100, and 1000 with L=6.4 and a=0.1. No average is performed over initial packet amplitudes or positions. Time averaging is performed here as by Eqs. (2.17, 2.18).Reuse & Permissions
  • Figure 30
    Figure 30
    R[Meff2(t)1]/ϕ2¯(t) as a function of the logarithm of time t for E/V=0.1, 10, 100, and E/V=1000 with L=6.4 and a=0.1. Notice that R varies in a much narrower interval than Meff2(t) depicted in Fig. 29. No average is performed over initial packet amplitudes or positions. Time averaging is performed here as by Eqs. (2.17, 2.18).Reuse & Permissions
  • Figure 31
    Figure 31
    The space average of ϕ(x,t) as a function of time t for E/V=100 with L=6.4 and a=0.1 over a sample time interval. Notice the fast oscillations displayed here which are erased by the time averaging. Thanks to time averaging the slow dynamics becomes visible in Figs. 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25.Reuse & Permissions
  • Figure 32
    Figure 32
    The inverse of the ratio Zkξ [defined by Eq. (C2)] vs the radial wave number for the values of time and of ξ indicated. All parameters are as in Fig. 22.Reuse & Permissions
  • Figure 33
    Figure 33
    R(ϕ0)=[Meff21]/<ϕ2> vs ρ for the cnoidal solution Eq. (D1). Here stands for the time average over one period.Reuse & Permissions

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