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Constraints on Sterile Neutrino Models from Strong Gravitational Lensing, Milky Way Satellites, and the Lyman-α Forest

Ioana A. Zelko, Tommaso Treu, Kevork N. Abazajian, Daniel Gilman, Andrew J. Benson, Simon Birrer, Anna M. Nierenberg, and Alexander Kusenko
Phys. Rev. Lett. 129, 191301 – Published 4 November 2022
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The nature of dark matter is one of the most important unsolved questions in science. Some dark matter candidates do not have sufficient nongravitational interactions to be probed in laboratory or accelerator experiments. It is thus important to develop astrophysical probes which can constrain or lead to a discovery of such candidates. We illustrate this using state-of-the-art measurements of strong gravitationally lensed quasars to constrain four of the most popular sterile neutrino models, and also report the constraints for other independent methods that are comparable in procedure. First, we derive effective relations to describe the correspondence between the mass of a thermal relic warm dark matter particle and the mass of sterile neutrinos produced via Higgs decay and grand unified theory (GUT)-scale scenarios, in terms of large-scale structure and galaxy formation astrophysical effects. Second, we show that sterile neutrinos produced through the Higgs decay mechanism are allowed only for mass >26keV, and GUT-scale scenario >5.3keV. Third, we show that the single sterile neutrino model produced through active neutrino oscillations is allowed for mass >92keV, and the three sterile neutrino minimal standard model (νMSM) for mass >16keV. These are the most stringent experimental limits on these models.

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  • Received 24 March 2022
  • Revised 3 August 2022
  • Accepted 20 September 2022
  • Corrected 16 December 2022


Published by the American Physical Society under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license. Further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the published article’s title, journal citation, and DOI. Funded by SCOAP3.

Published by the American Physical Society

Physics Subject Headings (PhySH)

Gravitation, Cosmology & AstrophysicsParticles & Fields


16 December 2022

Correction: A typographical error in the second sentence of the abstract was introduced during the proof production process and has been fixed.

Authors & Affiliations

Ioana A. Zelko1,*, Tommaso Treu1, Kevork N. Abazajian2, Daniel Gilman3, Andrew J. Benson4, Simon Birrer5,6, Anna M. Nierenberg7, and Alexander Kusenko1,8

  • 1Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of California, Los Angeles, 475 Portola Plaza, Los Angeles, California 90095, USA
  • 2Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of California, Irvine, Irvine, California 92697, USA
  • 3Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics, University of Toronto, 50 St. George Street, Toronto, Ontario, M5S 3H4, Canada
  • 4Observatories of the Carnegie Institution for Science, 813 Santa Barbara Street, Pasadena, California 91101, USA
  • 5Kavli Institute for Particle Astrophysics and Cosmology and Department of Physics, Stanford University, Stanford, California 94305, USA
  • 6SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, Menlo Park, California 94025, USA
  • 7University of California Merced, Department of Physics 5200 North Lake Road, Merced, California 95343, USA
  • 8Kavli IPMU (WPI), UTIAS, The University of Tokyo, Kashiwa, Chiba 277-8583, Japan

  • *Corresponding author. ioana.zelko@gmail.com

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Vol. 129, Iss. 19 — 4 November 2022

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  • Figure 1
    Figure 1

    Posterior probability distribution function p(m) of the mass of thermal relic WDM and the various kinds of SN: the GUT-scale scenario (KTY), the “keV miracle model” Higgs production mechanism (PK), and single particle neutrino oscillation production mechanism (DW). The posteriors do not go to 0 on the right limit, so we cannot impose upper constraints on the particle masses; however, since they do go to 0 on the small limit, we can derive a lower limit. The vertical dashed line marks the 95% lower boundary interval, corresponding to 4.6, 2.1, 11, 34 keV for thWDM, KTY, PK, DW. The limits for the νMSM model depend on lepton asymmetry, and are discussed in the text. The case where the assumption for the average background density of the universe includes [case (i)], or does not include [case (ii)], baryonic matter in addition to dark matter (see Appendix in the Supplemental Material [47]) is shown.

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  • Figure 2
    Figure 2

    SN transfer functions belonging to the Higgs decay (PK) model proposed by [20], shown by the continuous lines. The dashed lines show the corresponding thermal relic WDM transfer functions. As shown in [22], the two sets of functions are very similar to each other, thus allowing the possibility to create a mapping between the masses of thermal relic WDM particles and those of SNs.

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  • Figure 3
    Figure 3

    The masses of the thermal relic WDM particles and SN particles corresponding to the PK transfer functions shown in Fig. 2, as well as those for the KTY model, are shown as scattered points. Polynomial and power-law fits are shown as solid lines. These relations allow us to map constraints on the mass of thermal relic WDM to the corresponding mass of a SN, for the Higgs production mechanism (PK), and the GUT-scale scenario (KTY).

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