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Measurement of the Positive Muon Anomalous Magnetic Moment to 0.20 ppm

D. P. Aguillard et al. (The Muon g2 Collaboration)
Phys. Rev. Lett. 131, 161802 – Published 17 October 2023


We present a new measurement of the positive muon magnetic anomaly, aμ(gμ2)/2, from the Fermilab Muon g2 Experiment using data collected in 2019 and 2020. We have analyzed more than 4 times the number of positrons from muon decay than in our previous result from 2018 data. The systematic error is reduced by more than a factor of 2 due to better running conditions, a more stable beam, and improved knowledge of the magnetic field weighted by the muon distribution, ω˜p, and of the anomalous precession frequency corrected for beam dynamics effects, ωa. From the ratio ωa/ω˜p, together with precisely determined external parameters, we determine aμ=116592057(25)×1011 (0.21 ppm). Combining this result with our previous result from the 2018 data, we obtain aμ(FNAL)=116592055(24)×1011 (0.20 ppm). The new experimental world average is aμ(exp)=116592059(22)×1011 (0.19 ppm), which represents a factor of 2 improvement in precision.

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  • Received 10 August 2023
  • Accepted 5 September 2023


Published by the American Physical Society under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license. Further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the published article’s title, journal citation, and DOI. Funded by SCOAP3.

Published by the American Physical Society

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Vol. 131, Iss. 16 — 20 October 2023

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  • Figure 1
    Figure 1

    Fourier transform of the residuals from a fit following Eq. (3) excluding ηN, ηA, and ηϕ (red dashed line), and from the full fit (black line). The peaks correspond to the missing betatron frequencies and muon losses. Data are from the Run-3a data set. Inset: corresponding asymmetry-weighted e+ time spectrum (black line) with the full fit function (red line) overlaid.

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  • Figure 2
    Figure 2

    Azimuthally averaged magnetic field contours overlaid on the time- and azimuthally averaged muon distribution for the Run-3b data set. The field is more uniform, and the increased kicker strength moves the beam closer to the center than in Run-1.

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  • Figure 3
    Figure 3

    Experimental values of aμ from BNL E821 [8], our Run-1 result [1], this measurement, the combined Fermilab result, and the new experimental average. The inner tick marks indicate the statistical contribution to the total uncertainties.

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