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Enhanced Electron-Spin Coherence in a GaAs Quantum Emitter

Giang N. Nguyen, Clemens Spinnler, Mark R. Hogg, Liang Zhai, Alisa Javadi, Carolin A. Schrader, Marcel Erbe, Marcus Wyss, Julian Ritzmann, Hans-Georg Babin, Andreas D. Wieck, Arne Ludwig, and Richard J. Warburton
Phys. Rev. Lett. 131, 210805 – Published 22 November 2023
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A spin-photon interface should operate with both coherent photons and a coherent spin to enable cluster-state generation and entanglement distribution. In high-quality devices, self-assembled GaAs quantum dots are near-perfect emitters of on-demand coherent photons. However, the spin rapidly decoheres via the magnetic noise arising from the host nuclei. Here, we address this drawback by implementing an all-optical nuclear-spin cooling scheme on a GaAs quantum dot. The electron-spin coherence time increases 156-fold from T2*=3.9ns to 0.608μs. The cooling scheme depends on a non-collinear term in the hyperfine interaction. The results show that such a term is present even though the strain is low and no external stress is applied. Our work highlights the potential of optically active GaAs quantum dots as fast, highly coherent spin-photon interfaces.

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  • Received 5 July 2023
  • Accepted 18 October 2023


Published by the American Physical Society under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license. Further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the published article's title, journal "citation, and DOI.

© 2023 American Physical Society

Physics Subject Headings (PhySH)

Condensed Matter, Materials & Applied PhysicsAtomic, Molecular & OpticalQuantum Information, Science & Technology

Authors & Affiliations

Giang N. Nguyen1,*, Clemens Spinnler1, Mark R. Hogg1, Liang Zhai1, Alisa Javadi1,†, Carolin A. Schrader1, Marcel Erbe1, Marcus Wyss2, Julian Ritzmann3, Hans-Georg Babin3, Andreas D. Wieck3, Arne Ludwig3, and Richard J. Warburton1

  • 1Department of Physics, University of Basel, 4056 Basel, Switzerland
  • 2Swiss Nanoscience Institute, University of Basel, 4056 Basel, Switzerland
  • 3Lehrstuhl für Angewandte Festkörperphysik, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, 44780 Bochum, Germany

  • *giang.nguyen@unibas.ch
  • Present address: School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Oklahoma, Norman, Oklahoma 73019, USA.

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Vol. 131, Iss. 21 — 24 November 2023

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  • Figure 1
    Figure 1

    Coherent spin control of an electron in a droplet-etched GaAs QD. (a) High-angle dark-field scanning transmission image of a droplet-etched GaAs QD. The dashed line is a guide to the eye to describe the droplet shape. (b) Schematic of the sample design: a layer of GaAs QDs is embedded in a diode structure. A magnetic field perpendicular to the growth direction defines the quantization axis. (c) Energy level diagram of a charged QD in an in-plane magnetic field. The “vertical” transitions are x polarized while the “diagonal” transitions are y polarized. A circularly polarized rotation pulse detuned by ΔL=700GHz drives a Raman transition between the electron-spin states. The readout laser is on resonance with the lower-frequency (vertical) transition and initializes the electron into the | state. (d) Electron-spin Rabi oscillations as a function of drive time t. The solid line is an exponential fit to the data with T2Rabi=73(5)ns. (e) Full control of the rotation axis about the Bloch sphere using two consecutive (π/2) pulses as a function of the phase ϕ of the second pulse. The solid line is a sinusoidal fit to the data.

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  • Figure 2
    Figure 2

    Locking of electron-spin resonance (ESR) and cooling of nuclei with a Rabi drive. (a) Rabi oscillations versus detuning show locking of the ESR to the drive within a window of frequencies and unstable Rabi oscillations outside the window. (b) Top: Pulse sequence for Ramsey interferometry with prior Rabi cooling. For Rabi cooling a Tc=1μs long pulse at a Rabi frequency of Ωc=2π×17MHz is used. The Ramsey experiment was performed at a larger Rabi frequency of 2π×100MHz. Bottom: Top and bottom envelopes of the Ramsey interferometry with 100μs pause (circles), zero pause (squares), and Rabi cooling (diamonds); the extracted coherence times are T2*=3.9(2), T2*=7.8(2), and T2*=78(2)ns, respectively. Counts are normalized to 0.5 for long delays. (c) Ramsey interferometry at a probe detuning with respect to the cooling frequency of Δ=40MHz [black dot in (d)]. (d) Oscillation frequency f in Ramsey interferometry as a function of detuning of probe and cooling frequency Δ. The solid lines in (b) and (c) are Gaussian fits to the data.

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  • Figure 3
    Figure 3

    Quantum-sensing-based cooling and dynamical decoupling. (a) Top: Pulse scheme for the quantum-sensing-based cooling consisting of (i) a sensing step, (ii) a driven electron-nuclei interaction, and (iii) a reset. The last reset pulse in the cooling scheme initializes the electron spin for the Ramsey experiment performed at a Rabi frequency of 2π×100MHz. Bottom: Ramsey interferometry with serrodyne frequency ωserr=2π×20MHz [ϕ(τ)=sin(ωserrτ)] following quantum-sensing-based cooling gives T2*=0.608(13)μs. (b) Comparison of T2* before cooling (squares), after Rabi cooling (diamonds), and after quantum-sensing-based cooling (circles). Inset: fast Fourier transform of the Ramsey visibilities gives σOH=52(1), σOH=2.90(5), and σOH=0.355(4)MHz, respectively. (c) T2* versus Rabi frequency during cooling (Ωc) for Rabi cooling (diamonds) and quantum-sensing-based cooling (circles). Dashed lines correspond to nuclear Larmor frequencies, from left to right: Δω=2π×17.08, ω(As75)=2π×21.9, ω(Ga69)=2π×30.7, ω(Al27)=2π×33.28, and ω(Ga71)=2π×39.0MHz. (d) Rabi oscillations at Ω=2π×8.9MHz as a function of detuning from fc following quantum-sensing-based cooling. (e) Dynamical decoupling of the electron spin with a CPMG sequence. The solid lines in (a),(b) are Gaussian fits to the data. The solid line in (e) is a power law fit to the data.

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