This paper presents results from a study of the deep structure of the Elbrus edifice and adjacent areas using geophysical techniques. We confirmed the existence of a shallow magma chamber, derived a more accurate location of the chamber in the host rocks and its characteristic dimensions, and compared new results with known studies. More accurate estimates have been obtained for the temperature at the top of the magma chamber and new evidence is adduced concerning the deep structure of the fluid magmatic systems in the Elbrus volcanic area.
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Original Russian Text © D.V. Likhodeev, Z.I. Dudarov, R.A. Zhostkov, D.A. Presnov, S.M. Dolov, K.B. Danilov, 2017, published in Vulkanologiya i Seismologiya, 2017, No. 6, pp. 28–32.
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Likhodeev, D.V., Dudarov, Z.I., Zhostkov, R.A. et al. Studying the Deep Structure of Elbrus Volcano by Microseismic Sounding. J. Volcanolog. Seismol. 11, 413–418 (2017). https://doi.org/10.1134/S0742046317060045
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1134/S0742046317060045