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Energy-aware lossless data compression

Published: 01 August 2006 Publication History


Wireless transmission of a single bit can require over 1000 times more energy than a single computation. It can therefore be beneficial to perform additional computation to reduce the number of bits transmitted. If the energy required to compress data is less than the energy required to send it, there is a net energy savings and an increase in battery life for portable computers. This article presents a study of the energy savings possible by losslessly compressing data prior to transmission. A variety of algorithms were measured on a StrongARM SA-110 processor. This work demonstrates that, with several typical compression algorithms, there is a actually a net energy increase when compression is applied before transmission. Reasons for this increase are explained and suggestions are made to avoid it. One such energy-aware suggestion is asymmetric compression, the use of one compression algorithm on the transmit side and a different algorithm for the receive path. By choosing the lowest-energy compressor and decompressor on the test platform, overall energy to send and receive data can be reduced by 11% compared with a well-chosen symmetric pair, or up to 57% over the default symmetric zlib scheme.


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    ACM Transactions on Computer Systems  Volume 24, Issue 3
    August 2006
    121 pages
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    Association for Computing Machinery

    New York, NY, United States

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    Published: 01 August 2006
    Published in TOCS Volume 24, Issue 3


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