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Architectural issues in software reuse: it's not just the functionality, it's the packaging
Effective reuse depends not only on finding and reusing components, but also on the ways those components are combined. The informal folklore of software engineering provides a number of diverse styles for organizing software systems. These styles, or ...
Confessions of a used-program salesman: lessons learned
Software reuse is the second oldest programming profession. Ever since the first program logic board was wired, people have been looking for ways of saving time and money by building upon other's efforts and not “not re-inventing any wheels.” This ...
Systematic software reuse (panel): objects and frameworks are not enough
Ensuring that object technology will achieve its promise of significant software reuse requires that special attention be paid to a combination of people, process and technology issues. Reuse will not happen automatically. The panelists will describe ...
Creating reference architectures: an example from avionics
ADAGE is a project to define and build a domain-specific software architecture (DSSA) environment for assisting the development of avionics software. A central concept of DSSA is the use of software system generators to implement component-based models ...
Adaptable, reusable code
This paper discusses the concept of adaptability as a means for reaping the cost and schedule reduction benefits of reuse. Adaptability strives to implement the variability identified by domain analyses while managing the cost of implementation, ...
Reuse through inheritance: a quantitative study of C++ software
According to proponents of object-oriented programming, inheritance is an excellent way to organize abstraction and a superb tool for reuse. Yet, few quantitative studies of the actual use of inheritance have been conducted. Quantitative studies are ...
A reuse approach based on object orientation: its contributions in the development of CASE tools
The aim of this paper is to present an approach to facilitate reuse. This approach, which is based on an object oriented design method, describes a way of structuring components and reuse library.
Two concepts, domain and theme, are introduced to allow ...
An integrated approach to software reuse practice
Since 1993, Sodalia's Software Engineers have been studying a reuse program whose goal is making software reuse a significant and systematic part of the software process. The Sodalia's Corporate Reuse Program is intended to develop a Software Reuse ...
Building reusable components in the public administration domain
The paper proposes methods and tools for building reusable components from families of Information System conceptual schemas, based on the identification of similar components in different schemas, and on their engineering into normalized descriptions. ...
Formal specification of reusable interface objects
In this paper we present a formal approach of a new object-oriented design concept to support reuse-in-the-large called Abstract Data Views (ADVs). The ADV approach was created to specify clearly and formally the separation of interfaces from the ...
Specification matching for software reuse: a foundation
Using formal specifications to represent software components facilitates the determination of reusability because they more precisely characterize the functionality of the software, and the well-defined syntax makes processing amenable to automation. We ...
A logical framework for software proof reuse
We describe a logical framework PR for verification of reusable software components. Within our system, developers can employ the advantages traditionally associated with software reuse to reduce the cost of software verification by reusing abstract ...
From reuse library experiences to application generation architectures
Reuse through application generators has been successful in the area of programming language systems. We analyzed three language system projects that realized transition from the initial ad hoc programs, through libraries of reusable modules to ...
Automated support for software development with frameworks
This document presents some of the results of an industrial research project on automation of software development. The project's objective is to improve productivity and quality of software development. We see software development based on frameworks ...
Reuse dimensions
In recent years, there have been much publications on reuse. In order to bet an overview of the whole field and also a good impression of the state of the reuse art, we studied reuse literature of the last few years. As basis for comparison, we ...
Principles for writing reusable libraries
Over the past 10 years, the Software Engineering Research Department in AT&T has been engaging in a research program to build a collection of highly portable advanced software tools known as Ast, Advanced Software Technology. A recent monograph, “...
Melding structured abstracts and World Wide Web for retrieval of reusable components
Reusable Software Libraries (RSLs) often suffer from poor interfaces, too many formal standards, high levels of training required for their use, and most of all, a high cost to build and maintain. Hence, RSLs have largely failed to return the reuse ...
An approach to the classification of domain models in support of analogical reuse
This paper presents an approach to classify domain models in order to facilitate reuse through analogy. Domain analysis plays a critical role for systematic reuse, but domain analysis is difficult to perform, especially for new application areas. ...
Location-independent naming for virtual distributed software repositories
A location-independent naming system for network resources has been designed to facilitate organization and description of software components accessible through a virtual distributed repository. This naming system enables easy and efficient searching ...
Developing domain knowledge through the reuse of project experiences
Software development is no longer a homogenous field. Software is being developed for an increasingly diverse set of applications and user populations, each with different characteristics and development constraints. As a consequence, researchers and ...
Organization domain modeling (ODM): formalizing the core domain modeling life cycle
Researchers and practitioners are looking for systematic ways of comparing domain analysis (DA) methods. Comparisons have often focused on linkage between DA methods and related technologies such as systems modeling. Less attention has been paid to ...
Applying domain analysis and modeling: an industrial experience
In this paper we describe our experience in applying domain analysis within a company that develops personal electronic devices. We describe how we tailored the DSSA method to suit our needs and then present the process and representations that we found ...
A hybrid approach to software reuse
We describe a hybrid approach to software reuse in an ongoing project that addresses a challenging software engineering task. The approach is driven by an architectural design and makes use of both code components and program synthesis technology. We ...
The spin-off illusion: reuse is not a by-product
Based on the desire of enterprise management to find a smooth, low-risk way of introducing reuse methodology, this paper discusses several approaches taken. The illusion of using the by-product of software development to obtain reusable assets is the ...
Research directions in software reuse: where to go from here?
Software reuse is no longer in its infancy. We are able to look back at more than 15 years of research and should use the opportunity of such a symposium to critically evaluate the past research in order to identify promising future research areas in ...
Index Terms
- Proceedings of the 1995 Symposium on Software reusability
Acceptance Rates
Year | Submitted | Accepted | Rate |
SSR '95 | 76 | 33 | 43% |
Overall | 76 | 33 | 43% |