Cited By
View all- Jayasuriya SIqbal OKodukula VTorres VLikamwa RSpanias A(2023)Software-Defined Imaging: A SurveyProceedings of the IEEE10.1109/JPROC.2023.3266736111:5(445-464)Online publication date: May-2023
We present primal-dual coding, a photography technique that enables direct fine-grain control over which light paths contribute to a photo. We achieve this by projecting a sequence of patterns onto the scene while the sensor is exposed to light. At the ...
We present a technique for capturing high-resolution 4D reflectance fields using the reciprocity property of light transport. In our technique we place the object inside a diffuse spherical shell and scan a laser across its surface. For each incident ...
Association for Computing Machinery
New York, NY, United States
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