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Understanding and constructing shared spaces with mixed-reality boundaries

Published: 01 September 1998 Publication History


We propose an approach to creating shared mixed realities based on the construction of transparent boundaries between real and virtual spaces. First, we introduce a taxonomy that classifies current approaches to shared spaces according to the three dimensions of transportation, artificiality, and spatiality. Second, we discuss our experience of staging a poetry performance simultaneously within real and virtual theaters. This demonstrates the complexities involved in establishing social interaction between real and virtual spaces and motivates the development of a systematic approach to mixing realities. Third, we introduce and demonstrate the technique of mixed-reality boundaries as a way of joining real and virtual spaces together in order to address some of these problems.


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ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction  Volume 5, Issue 3
Sept. 1998
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Published: 01 September 1998
Published in TOCHI Volume 5, Issue 3


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