It is an honour to present the program for the second ACM SIGIR Conference on Human Information Interaction and Retrieval (CHIIR 2017), held in Oslo, Norway from March 7 to March 11, 2017. CHIIR offers the opportunity to present and discuss research on user-centered approachesto information retrieval, information access and information interaction, including studies of interactive systems, searcher behaviour, novel interaction paradigms, interface design, new evaluation methods, and a range of related areas. CHIIR is an interdisciplinary event in which researchers, students and practitioners working across several areas, including information retrieval, information science and human computer interaction, come together to think creatively about the challenges and opportunities afforded by digital information systems. Welcome to all the CHIIR-ists joining us this year!
The CHIIR 2017 program consists of Full Papers (10 pages), Perspectives Papers (10 pages) and Short Papers (4 pages). We received a total of 112 submissions: 48 Full Papers, 9 Perspectives Papers and 55 Short Papers. Of these, we accepted 19 Full Papers (40%), 5 Perspectives Papers (56%) and 36 Short Papers (65%). We also accepted one Full Paper as a Short Paper. We were pleased to receive so many strong Perspectives Papers, which are meant to present novel ideas or insights, and we hope these will inspire some great discussions. Each Full and Perspectives paper is allocated a 30-minute presentation slot in the program. Short papers are presented as posters during a special evening session, beginning with a short boaster presentation.
In addition to contributed papers, the CHIIR program features three keynote talks by prominent academic and industry researchers, representing the breadth of interests in the CHIIR community: Norbert Fuhr (University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany), Ann Blandford (University College London, UK) and Håkon Wium Lie (Opera Software, Norway). In addition to these speakers and the main conference program, CHIIR features a Doctoral Consortium, two Tutorials, and three Workshops.
We would like to acknowledge the excellent work of the Organizing Committee, including the Doctoral Consortium Chair, Katriina Byström (Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences, Norway); the Workshops and Tutorials Chair, Preben Hansen (Stockholm University, Sweden), and the Proceedings Chair, Sampath Jayarathna (California State Polytechnic University Pomona, USA). The paper reviewing and selection process was enabled by an outstanding 12 member Senior Program Committee and a diverse and international general Program Committee consisting of 77 members. Our thanks and the credits for creating a high quality technical program go to them.
Cited By
- Tamine L and Daoud M (2018). Evaluation in Contextual Information Retrieval, ACM Computing Surveys, 51:4, (1-36), Online publication date: 31-Jul-2019.
da Silva Soares R, Barreto C and Sato J (2023). Perspectives in eye-tracking technology for applications in education, South African Journal of Childhood Education, 10.4102/sajce.v13i1.1204, 13:1
Index Terms
- Proceedings of the 2017 Conference on Conference Human Information Interaction and Retrieval