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TriAL: A Navigational Algebra for RDF Triplestores

Published: 23 March 2018 Publication History


Navigational queries over RDF data are viewed as one of the main applications of graph query languages, and yet the standard model of graph databases—essentially labeled graphs—is different from the triples-based model of RDF. While encodings of RDF databases into graph data exist, we show that even the most natural ones are bound to lose some functionality when used in conjunction with graph query languages. The solution is to work directly with triples, but then many properties taken for granted in the graph database context (e.g., reachability) lose their natural meaning.
Our goal is to introduce languages that work directly over triples and are closed, i.e., they produce sets of triples, rather than graphs. Our basic language is called TriAL, or Triple Algebra: it guarantees closure properties by replacing the product with a family of join operations. We extend TriAL with recursion and explain why such an extension is more intricate for triples than for graphs. We present a declarative language, namely a fragment of datalog, capturing the recursive algebra. For both languages, the combined complexity of query evaluation is given by low-degree polynomials. We compare our language with previously studied graph query languages such as adaptations of XPath, regular path queries, and nested regular expressions; many of these languages are subsumed by the recursive triple algebra. We also provide an implementation of recursive TriAL on top of a relational query engine, and we show its usefulness by running a wide array of navigational queries over real-world RDF data, while at the same time testing how our implementation compares to existing RDF systems.

Supplementary Material

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ACM Transactions on Database Systems  Volume 43, Issue 1
Best of SIGMOD 2016 Papers and Regular Papers
March 2018
227 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 23 March 2018
Accepted: 01 September 2017
Revised: 01 July 2017
Received: 01 November 2016
Published in TODS Volume 43, Issue 1


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  1. Query evaluation
  2. RDF
  3. Triple Algebra


  • Research-article
  • Research
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Funding Sources

  • Nucleus Millenium Center for Semantic Web Research
  • CONICYT-PCHA Doctorado Nacional
  • FONDECYT Project


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