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Co-Simulation: A Survey

Published: 23 May 2018 Publication History


Modeling and simulation techniques are today extensively used both in industry and science. Parts of larger systems are, however, typically modeled and simulated by different techniques, tools, and algorithms. In addition, experts from different disciplines use various modeling and simulation techniques. Both these facts make it difficult to study coupled heterogeneous systems.
Co-simulation is an emerging enabling technique, where global simulation of a coupled system can be achieved by composing the simulations of its parts. Due to its potential and interdisciplinary nature, co-simulation is being studied in different disciplines but with limited sharing of findings.
In this survey, we study and survey the state-of-the-art techniques for co-simulation, with the goal of enhancing future research and highlighting the main challenges.
To study this broad topic, we start by focusing on discrete-event-based co-simulation, followed by continuous-time-based co-simulation. Finally, we explore the interactions between these two paradigms, in hybrid co-simulation.
To survey the current techniques, tools, and research challenges, we systematically classify recently published research literature on co-simulation, and summarize it into a taxonomy. As a result, we identify the need for finding generic approaches for modular, stable, and accurate coupling of simulation units, as well as expressing the adaptations required to ensure that the coupling is correct.


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Jens Bastian, Christoph Clauß, Susann Wolf, and Peter Schneider. 2011. Master for co-simulation using FMI. In 8th International Modelica Conference. 115--120.
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Torsten Blochwitz, Martin Otter, Martin Arnold, C. Bausch, Christoph Clauss, Hilding Elmqvist, Andreas Junghanns, Jakob Mauss, M. Monteiro, T. Neidhold, Dietmar Neumerkel, Hans Olsson, J.-V. Peetz, and S. Wolf. 2011. The functional mockup interface for tool independent exchange of simulation models. In 8th International Modelica Conference. Linköping University Electronic Press; Linköpings Universitet, Dresden, Germany, 105--114.
Torsten Blockwitz, Martin Otter, Johan Akesson, Martin Arnold, Christoph Clauss, Hilding Elmqvist, Markus Friedrich, Andreas Junghanns, Jakob Mauss, Dietmar Neumerkel, Hans Olsson, and Antoine Viel. 2012. Functional mockup interface 2.0: The standard for tool independent exchange of simulation models. In 9th International Modelica Conference. Linköping University Electronic Press, Munich, Germany, 173--184.
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David Broman, Christopher Brooks, Lev Greenberg, Edward A. Lee, Michael Masin, Stavros Tripakis, and Michael Wetter. 2013. Determinate composition of FMUs for co-simulation. In 11th ACM International Conference on Embedded Software. IEEE Press, Piscataway, NJ.
David Broman, Lev Greenberg, Edward A. Lee, Michael Masin, Stavros Tripakis, and Michael Wetter. 2015. Requirements for hybrid cosimulation standards. In 18th International Conference on Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control (HSCC’15). ACM, New York, 179--188.
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Joachim Denil, Bart Meyers, Paul De Meulenaere, and Hans Vangheluwe. 2015. Explicit semantic adaptation of hybrid formalisms for FMI co-simulation. In Symposium on Theory of Modeling 8 Simulation: DEVS Integrative M&S Symposium, Society for Computer Simulation International (Ed.), 99--106.
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Cláudio Gomes, Paschalis Karalis, Eva M. Navarro-López, and Hans Vangheluwe. 2017. Approximated stability analysis of bi-modal hybrid co-simulation scenarios. In 1st Workshop on Formal Co-Simulation of Cyber-Physical Systems. Trento, Italy, to appear.
Cláudio Gomes, Benoît Legat, Raphaël M. Jungers, and Hans Vangheluwe. 2017. Stable adaptive co-simulation: A switched systems approach. In IUTAM Symposium on Co-Simulation and Solver Coupling. Darmstadt, Germany, to appear.
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Nicolai Pedersen, Tom Bojsen, and Jan Madsen. 2017. Co-simulation of cyber physical systems with HMI for human in the loop investigations. In Symposium on Theory of Modeling 8 Simulation (TMS/DEVS’17). Society for Computer Simulation International, 1:1--1:12. http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=3108905.3108906
Nicolai Pedersen, Tom Bojsen, Jan Madsen, and Morten Vejlgaard-Laursen. 2016. FMI for co-simulation of embedded control software. In The 1st Japanese Modelica Conferences. Linköping University Electronic Press, 70--77.
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ACM Computing Surveys  Volume 51, Issue 3
May 2019
796 pages
  • Editor:
  • Sartaj Sahni
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Association for Computing Machinery

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Publication History

Published: 23 May 2018
Accepted: 01 January 2018
Revised: 01 December 2017
Received: 01 February 2017
Published in CSUR Volume 51, Issue 3


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